My daughter is 11, in Grade 6. She has friends that she maintains from previous schools but is having problems finding good friends at her new school - she started in September. All year we have worked on helping her with this. She is a good kid, empathetic, hardworking, kind, athletic, etc.. There is a couple of girls working to make sure that she has no friends. Her only friend is in that group and is too afraid to hang out with her at school so she is alone at recess and eats lunch at my friends house to avoid recess (something new we just started). She has missed a lot of school the last few years. I think that maybe we should just let her finish the year at home. Her older sister is finishing high school at home because of migraines caused by anxiety. I am a confident person as is my husband and my kids are successful outside of school - it is at school that is an issue. What do people think?