
I want out of the Army?

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I signed up for the army in times of need, I failed my drug test the first time but they let me back in. It's been over a year since I signed in and I haven't been to basic yet. I don't wanna go. I want out. I've heard that if I fail a drug test again I get locked up. Is that true? I now have a son and a family and I don't wanna get away from them. Any suggestions...




  1. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions. Nobody held a gun to your head and made you sign up. Put your big girl panties on and deal with it!

  2. If you have'nt been to basic then you are technically under the DEP program. Call your recruiter and tell He/She that you want out. That you are no longer interested. If you have'nt been to basic then you have'nt signed an active duty contract. Meaning, NO comittment.

    Best of luck to you.

    And yes you can go to jail over ANY thing illegal and nonillegal in the Military. Being late for work can get you locked up for a day or two.

    Best bet if you want one of the services again someday, Air Force. But stay clean.

  3. First if you really are a mother, pull your head out of your rear end and stop doing drugs.  Your child needs a mother who is 100% there 24/7 not out with her buddies getting jacked up.

    Next, you are no IN the Army.  Go see your recruiter and tell them you want to be DEP discharged.  That is it.  They will threaten you with a bunch of c**p to keep you in, but it is a simple form you sign and that is it, you are out.

    STOP DOING DRUGS.  You made a choice to have a baby that means you chose to give up what you wanted to give your child the best life possible, that means no drugs.

  4. yeah your a ******* junkie,u got a son poor u .do you think that the men who died for this country didn't have a family?I'm drunk but at least I'm not a *****...the army doesn't need you anyway,go get arrested p***y!!!

  5. WHIMP!!!!

  6. You are doing drugs while pregnant!  I think you have more problems then trying to get out of the Army.  If you tell them straight up what you are about I can assure you we do not want you in our military.  Get to a drug rehab and parenting class as soon as you can!

  7. Break your leg. Develop a mental condition (the more severe the better). Cut off a foot or your index fingers. Go blind. Go deaf. Prove somehow that you're not physically capable of performing your basic duties. It's easiest that way. :)

  8. look! pull yourself together! you've shorted yourself and got your mind locked on getting out....sit down by yourself and think about it...our lives are the memories we make. don't let this get away from you and remember the goals you personally set out for. take these licks, do better, and tell your grandkids with pride how to overcome adversity and how to stand by their commitments.

    or you can tell a lame story for the rest of your life.

    i'd like to tell you a short story.......when getting ready to jump on haiti in the 8 deuce, a haitian that was bound for special forces that was attached to my group, confessed to me, that he was terrified. it was a moment. we were  gearing up getting ready to get on the planes....i stopped what i was doing. this was important! i looked around us and looked at him and said, "look around us here, you see all these guys?" around us hundreds of guys were laughing and joking, talkin tough," all of us are scared."....he looked at them for a bit.... and then turned to me and said, "let's do it!"

    seraphim- then your husband sucks butt! people that tend to whip out the sixgun on their fellow soldiers always come crying for peers later when their asses are on the line. i've made it a point to remove such egotistical f^cks from the army.... second chance to make himself  look good? how about inspiring them? huh?! ergh! there's always one in every group. a guy that's allright and gets petted by the command for being "good" like a dog lookin for a treat...i've never been article 15nd because i know how to stand up to guys like that....i guess maybe they did a little extra duty at your place too.

    sources; because i take offense to your high and mightyness. these kids come there to be patriotic and some of them get abused for the trouble. i' won't tolerate one of these americans being made to look stupid by having them lowcrawl the length of the barracks hallway while their cadre looks on and laughs at them! this is a disservice to the united states and all that it stands for by far.....anyone else reading this just know that this is not what we are about. there is not a single soldier in the army that cannot be long as real soldiers are around.

    this is a family

  9. If you haven't been to basic yet then tell your recruiter you want out, I assume your in the dep, why has it been a year? There is no consequence for dropping out of dep except maybe not being able to sign up later, and even that's a maybe.

  10. Stop doing drugs... and if you haven't gone through Basic, tell them you do not want to be in. It's easier and cheaper to process you out now then later

  11. I would talk to folks involved with the IVAW ( ) as well as checking out this site:

    (800) 394-9544

    as well as this site

    and this site (though it is more just to let you know you have people behind you and your decision and the decision of many military folks)

    They might try and lock you up but talk with these folks and they can probably help you out! Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of luck and hope your family is doing well and always remember you are a human being and you have the right to make your own choices in life.  

  12. You really shouldn't have enlisted just for the benefits. Get yourself clean. You're an adult with a son. Act like an adult with a son.

    With that being said, my husband is an infantry Staff Sergeant (E-6) and paratrooper at the home of the 82nd. He has worked with soldiers who have pissed hot a time or two. They dishonorably discharge you. None of the soldiers that have pissed hot in my husband's squad have done time in any sort of jail and most even get second chances to straighten up their act before they discharge them. My husband smokes the soldiers really good and he makes them do every detail that comes up for quite a while. They also get flagged and barred, demoted and extra duty for a L-O-N-G time.

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