
I want out of the marine corps but still got about 2 and half years left

by  |  earlier

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ever since day one in the fleet me and the rest of the guys who came with me have been getting hazed. forced to drink when we cant drink anymore, punched in our kidneys if we dont drink, jumped by senior marines in our own rooms, getting dead legged for no reason during the day, chinese field daying because we had a little bit of dust on our window seal on the weekend. just recently we got put in push up postion for 30 mins and kicked if our sides if we dont have perfect form.

i want out, this is far from what i thought the marine corps was about. all of our corporals condon it all the way up to our staff sergeant. they turn away and act like nothing ever happened. i want to request mass but too afraid to because they have threatened to beat the **** out of anyone who thinks about telling what they are doing to us.




  1. You didn't get beat hard enough because you are still able to type troll


  2. Sir, you have overcome many challenges. I would recommend finishing your time. It's hard to leave the service once you sign up, unless an automatic disqualifier happens in the future.

    best wishes for you

  3. well thats what u get when u join a gang of coldblooded killers.

  4. call or e-mail CNN/Anderson Cooper.

    Good Luck!  

  5. You need to report them and request a transfer.  I don't think they will issue a "code red" or something.  This is not A Few Good Men.  Get a transfer and get out of there, this is not how it should be or normally is.  

  6. poor thing...and to think my hard earned money which I give to the government every week for my taxes is paying for those aholes to act like that!!!  I'd play it crazy/unstable and hope that they let you go home then you can blow the whistle.  Is there a psychologist or psychiatrist you can see...pretend that you have ptsd and that you are suicidal or something so they'll let you leave!!!!  

  7. / You should tell.  What's the difference if you get beat one more time, vs. being beat all the time?

    End it now!  Tell, but go way high up the ladder!

  8. Call NCIS from a pay phone and make an anonymous tip. Say "My brother is getting abused in the Marines, what can we do?" Give them names and specs. If you are lying...give me your address and I will give you a true beat down.

  9. you need to tell your CO

  10. You been watching too many movies.

  11. If you are serious, please report it, however, the type of post, the wording.. tuefel, is that you? Euridite? Devildog?

    For those that are unaware, the above mentioned are infamous trolls here...

    Why do some of us question this type of question? It's evident if you actually look at the post, and then the profile.

  12. Somehow....   I doubt the voracity of your story.

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