
I want people to rank the top 5 reasons children choose to be adopted?

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I just want the top 5 not all the reasons




  1. 1 They want security and a mommy and daddy.

    2 They want to be loved and a mommy and daddy.

    3 They want to have a family and a mommy and daddy.

    4 They are aching to settle somewhere and have a mommy and daddy.

    5 They want to live a normal life, with a mommy and daddy

  2. Sorry but children don't get to choose adoption.  I really don't think that is correct.  I mean it would be really interesting to see a 3 day old child state a reason to be adopted.

  3. Children don't choose to be adopted they just for some unforseen reasom end up in that situation.

  4. 1. Parents are Evil

    2. They aren't happy with their living situations

    And thats all I came up with

  5. Oh man!  I actually had a choice of whether or not to be adopted and nobody told me???!!!

    It figures.

  6. since when do CHILDREN choose to be adopted??

  7. I didn't think the children had a choice.

  8. Hmmm... I pondered this over & it was very hard to narrow it down to just 5 reasons because, as you know, being adopted is such a joyful experience... ok,  here we go

    The top 5 reasons children choose to be adopted:

    1) Because they want to experience the lifelong happiness of never knowing who they really are or where they came from.

    2) Because they want to give themselves away as a gift to a family who cannot have children of their own.

    3) Because they want to make doctor visits more challenging by turning in blank forms.

    4) Because they feel they should have fewer human rights than the people who are raised by their biological families.

    5) Because they want to experience the loss of the newborn/mother connection.

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

  9. Whoa! I had a choice? Holy poopers, I wasn't aware that I had any thoughts beyond who is this stranger holding me and where is lunch?

    Very few children choose to be adopted and when they do it is usually kids who have been in foster care for many years or kids asking a step-parent to adopt them.

  10. Children don't choose to be adopted.  They aren't consulted on what happens to them.  As with almost every facet of their lives, what happens to children is dictated by adults.

  11. we had a choice?! did i miss that part?

  12. Since when do children choose?

  13. I think that the PARENTS choose to place the kid for adoption. I have never heard of a child adopting themselves out.

  14. The children choose?

  15. Children don't choose to be adopted!

    I've noticed you have a thing with lists, so here's one:

    1. Babies are too young to make decisions for themselves.

    2.       "        "     "       "      "      "             "           "         "

    3.       "        "     "       "      "      "             "           "         "

    4.       "        "     "       "      "      "             "           "         "

    5.       "        "     "       "      "      "             "           "         "

    Here's another:

    Children choose to be adopted because  ______________

    1.  their parents are abusing/neglecting/molesting them.

    2.  their parents are alcoholics/drug addicts/promiscuous.

    3.  when they've moved from 1 home to another.

    4.  when they are not loved by their families.

    5.  when they want a forever family, who does love them.

  16. i think that a foster child who has been removed from their natural family for abuse and neglect, who shouldnt go back to their parents would choose adoption because they:

    1-are told by social workers thats the next step...

    2- that if they want a permanent family, then they'll have to be adopted

    3-they need love



  17. Infant children do not "choose" adoption any more than they "choose" to be born.  However, if you are referring to children who are in foster care, I can tell you the reasons my cousins chose adoption (after being in foster care).

    1) Permanency - no more jumping from home to home.

    2) Safety - they felt safe with these foster parents after all the abuse they encountered previously.

    3) Sense of family - finally somewhere they "belonged".

    4) Embarrassment - my cousins openly admit that they were "embarrassed" to be foster kids.  

    5) A chance at Love - a chance to feel and experience love - something they didn't feel they had jumping from foster care home to foster care home.

  18. 1) they want to live with someone permanently

    2) they want less kids to stay with

    3) they want more clothes

    4) have a real mom and a real dad

    5) more toys

  19. Children don't choose to be adopted even if they have alcoholic parents, I assure you.

    Did you mean to say: 5 reasons for putting children up for adoption? If so, then:

    1- money (mother can't afford to raise child)

    2- abuse/molesting/etc

    3- drinking/drugs problems

    4- freedom (for parents who don't want to take responsibility)


    5- health problems (for either the child or his/her parents)

    I hope my answer is helpful...

    Those are just the ideas that popped up to my head... didn't look it up or anything.

    Have a nice day.

  20. basic material needs

    social needs




  21. SOME children DO choose to be adopted. Generally these are older children in foster care and they are given the choice as to whether or not they want to be open to adoption. There's about 114,000 of them virtually all over 5 years old, about half of them children of color, and many with some issues. For these children, there is a desire for permanency, probably a fear of being dumped out of the system with absolutely no support at 18 years old, a need to feel like they belong to a family, and I just don't know their individual reasons. But there are several visits with the potential adoptive family to see if all the members feel good about the situation prior to going forward with the adoption. Hope this answers your question.

  22. Um, in most cases children don't choose. they are choosen by 2 people who hopefully will provide a loving home for the child.


  24. Sure, every child want their parents to die ot to be in an abusive or neglectful family.  It gives them life experience.  (sarcasm)

  25. I think this is a very good question.  

    1. they are in foster care

    2. they have already been informally adopted and want it to be official.

    3. They want a big swimming pool

    4. They think they might get a pony.

    5.  I can't think of a fifth one.

    Although children adopted as infants don't get a choice, but we all know what they would choose.

    Honestly, I have read some of your answers and think you are not very educated about adoption, and I don't know why you think the Declaration of Independence has anything to do with this topic.

  26. Darn, it was my choice?  I didn't know!  Quick send me back to 1970 - I choose my Mommy!!

  27. wot??- didn't know they did?

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