
I want start eating healthier. How do I start?

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Since birth I have been surrounded by junk foods, been drinking soda by the 12 packs, and just being eating garbage. Still with all my bad food eating habits I have remained skinny. My weight proportions, always signified to me, as a kid, that I must be healthy, but as I get older and wiser, I am finding out that is not how it really works. Even though I am not overweight, inside of me my cells may not be getting the proper nutrition. I want to start feeding my body with respect, instead of using it to feed, and taste everything that my sweet so desires. Its hard to be healthy when you are surround by people who have a gallivanting attitude about the food they eat, and lack knowledge about beneficial compounds.

So how do I start eating healthier?

And, what do I need to know about the food I am eating now, such as Mc Donald's, Blimpies, Subway, pizza, pepsi, cola, etc, etc.




  1. Sunjot s is dumb. Since you aren't trying to lose weight, you need like 2,000-2,500 calories a day plus exercise. Throw all the junk in your house away and replace it with healthy snacks. If you can resist all bad food for a week, reward yourself with a dessert you crave. This weekly reward system can help motivate you.

  2. First, decrease your calories to only 1200 each day.

    Eat 4-5 meals.

    Each should have no more then 200-250 calories.

    Eat Healthy. No Pizza, Macdonalds, Coca Cola, ect.

    Run everday for 30-40 minutes.

    You should lose 2 pounds per week.

  3. You do not need to be concerned with calories since you are not trying to lose weight, but it's great that you want to better yourself with good nutrition! You will feel better, have more energy, and you body will thank you.

    Here is a simple way to plan a healthy meal:

    Start with an medium sized plate, and fill HALF of it up with fruits and vegetables. That's right, half. This is the amount of fuits and vegetables your body needs.  Then, with the space left on your plate, fill half of that with some sort of lean protein (grilled chicken, tuna, something like that) and the other half with some kind of complex carbohydrate (wheat bread, wheat pasta...)

    You are right about the fact that soda's are a real health problem... they do not give you body anything that it needs and actually takes away valuable nutriends that you are getting from real food.

    Also, be sure to get yourself a good supplemental vitamin to help you get any nutrients that you might have missed out on that day. Centrum is pretty complete, and it's only one tablet so it's not that much trouble to take every day.

    Good luck, and don't give up!

  4. For a start, make sure you eat some vegetables EVERY DAY.  A little fruit thrown in is a good thing too. (Fruits and vegetables have the same kinds of vitamins and minerals but fruits are higher in sugar than vegetables.)

    Loose the soft drinks all together.  Drink water or unsweetened tea. (you can start out by artificially sweetening your tea with something like Splenda.)  You can drink a little fruit juice but simply switching from soda to fruit juice will only load you up on sugar from the fruit.

    Also, choose baked, broiled or grilled versions of your favorite foods.

    Don't eat at McDonalds AT ALL unless you have no choice, choose turkey or tuna  subs with lots of vegetables and eat pizzas with mainly cheese and vegetables.

    Don't try to change your diet all at once either or you will be miserable.

    Good for you trying to be healthy!  Good luck!

  5. Each of those big chain restaurants has a web site with nutrition information.  Look at the info and you will easily see what is healthy on the menu and what is not.  Keep fat and sodium intake to minimal levels.  Find a way to get fruit and vegetables in to your diet.  The less processed the food, the better it is for you.

  6. First, decrease your calories to only 1200 each day.

    Eat 4-5 meals.

    Each should have no more then 200-250 calories.

    Eat Healthy. No Pizza, Macdonalds, Coca Cola, ect.

    Run everday for 30-40 minutes.

    You should lose 2 pounds per week.

    put down the fork!!!!!!!!!!!

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