
I want that dream again!?

by  |  earlier

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people who dont believe in the importance of dream will find this stupid / insane ... so dont read if you one of them.

I have this dream, had it about 3 times, im in a big hotel, wandering about, i dont know the place, i think im sort of lost but then i always come to a door that leads to a massive lake of lava, there is a short path to walk along followed by stepping stones, when i look up the walls are gems and diamonds and crystals all around. I never gets any furthur than that, it doesnt scare me, infact i love this dream and the place seems so familiar and safe.

What was weired though was the last time i had this dream, i couldnt go into the hotel .

I want to be in my special place again!

can i make this happen?




  1. some times i want to dream the same dream

    i try to think about it when i'm in my bed (with my eyes close)

    and some times i dream it again

    hope it works for you

  2. Um just think about it before you fall asleep, Play your dream in your head while your trying to fall asleep. Hope this helps .

  3. Sure you can make it happen! Your dream is just what you're thinking in your sleep. Try imagining what happened in your dream before you go to bed.

    Hope this helped! :)

  4. sad but true cory is right if u do acid

    (im not telling or suggesting u to take it )

    it brings back every memory ..... its hard to explain but its fun

    and it does bring back things like that .... like it would be in real life. :)

  5. The truth is that chances are you only had this dream once. You see, sometimes when you have brilliant dreams your subconscious mind makes you believe that the situation you are in is familiar and safe by making you think that you have been there before. But I don't think that you will have that certain dream again. But I'm sure that some other time you will have a different dream that is just as good as this one

  6. Sometimes, when one is kindof halfway between sleep and conscienceness, they can control what they dream

    If you've ever been there, you know what I'm talking about.  You're dreaming, but you KNOW you're dreaming, and - it takes practice, but - you can control what happens in your dream.  It's really cool!


    break it down and look it up.

  8. hey. my mom told me lyke before that if u have a same dream over and over agin, something lyke that will happen to you. maybe ull get a date? someone gives you diamonds? ull marry a millionaire whose an owner of a hotel? who knows!

    i hope you have ur dream again! im happy cuz i had a beautiful dream 2 days ago! i guess not sure. lol

  9. Well i don't really think you can control it other than think about it alot.

  10. If you lie down and meditate on the dream, you might be able to fall half-asleep so that you are still consciously focusing on the dream, but your subconscious state is leading your further into it.

    Writing about it might draw out some details that you may have forgotten about your dream.  Draw a picture.  These techniques can both make the dream feel very fresh again.

    Constantly thinking about this dream everyday may cause it to surface in your subconscious, but there is no solid way to make it happen.

  11. ..Think about it before you fall asleep..until you fall asleep ..

  12. i think it will happen again, unless you grow out of it. i had the same dream when i was little over 6 times... and as i grow, the dreams alter slightly.

    and recently, i have another same dream over 5 times.

  13. idk i tried to have the same dream but i couldnt it sucked =(

  14. Acid

  15. thats really cool. I love dreams like that. so bizarre. and i think if u are having a good day you may be able to get in the hotel and continue the story in your head. lol

  16. Close your eyes and relax, maybe put some soft instrumental music on. meditate to it.

  17. Actually dreams only continue every few months to be honest

    youll probably have the same exact dream but even further into it next month;]

  18. it is hard to have a good dream come back, maybe the jewels are a sign of wealth

  19. Lucid dreaming - where you condition yourself to be aware in your dreams.  one technique is, while awake, concentrate on your hands and tell yourself that when you see your hands, you know you are awake. After some conditioning, you see your hands in a dream and become aware that you are dreaming. then you can make things happen or do things with a purpose in your dreams.

  20. Maybe, yes.

    Just think about the dream constantly before going to sleep. just like how ppl tend to dream of what they're thinking about just before.

    Your mind drifts off and when your body shuts down it, it kind of transfers your thoughts into a dream.

    Sleep tight =]]

  21. before u go to sleep think about that dream over and over again then when u fall asleep u'll get the dream my mom taght me that and it worked just beleive as hard as u can!!!i was dreaming that i married david archuleta and i wanted that dream again!!!

  22. for me its a nightmare but hec im me your you

    maybe the inside was destroyed and there's no way in

    or you weren't meant to see the riches inside

  23. sign of doing well finacially but not as big as you would think and your social life become more can day dream about it ....use it for a meditation....

  24. nope sorry dreams are very random and are not controlled.

    here's a website that will tell you alot about dreams and different meanings to them. I hope i could be of help   8D

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