
I want this kid to shut his mouth before I do it for him?

by Guest59704  |  earlier

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Ok ,my mom has this friend who's son wont stop running his mouth and talking trash to me saying I'm scared of fighting him and whatnot.I don'tt want to hit him but i do want him to shut his mouth permanently around me.Any advice on what to do before I end up breaking his jaw?




  1. You're letting a kid get to you...come on, cool the temper don't let some immature kid get to you. Move past this.

  2. Talk to his parents to give him a talk. Good luck :D

  3. If he's bigger than you, not good, if about equal match, better. If you are larger than him, give him a bit of a thump and ask if he'd like his tea a bit stronger next time.

    Seriously, one way to do it is to say something like, "You must feel very insecure the way you talk to me. Have you seen a mental health worker? Blimey, you do seem mental!"

  4. just ignore it and if u want to break his jaw do it when he starts the fight first so u don't get in trouble

  5. Tell your mother you don't want to be around him and why. Then stick to your guns.

  6. Get your mom or her friend involved.  Say that the kid is harassing you, and that if he doesn't stop, you will file a police report to record your complaint.

    Kids like that are really stupid.  Adults are smart, especially when you say the word police or harrassment around them.

  7. tell him you will break it. Threatening him may scare him out of talking ****. Be effective. Be Prompt.


    Get r done

  8. Depends on the relationship with your mum and her friend. If it is strong and you know that they will believe you, tell them the truth about what this kid is saying and how it makes you feel.  Also tell them what you expect them to do about him.

    If you don't think they will believe you, record the kid on your mobile and play it back to them.

    Good luck and let's hope the kid shuts up soon before his jaw is wired shut for a month.

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