
I want to Build my own home recording studio can someone help me??

by  |  earlier

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I would like a list of the things i will need and your estimated price. I want good quality equipment but nothing professional.

Thank You.




  1. I am currently going through this same process as you, i have a few open questions as well for information.

    What i can tell you is what equipment i do have.

    1.  behringer 2442fx mixer(329.00)

    2.  computer with sony acid music studio (69.99-299.00)

    3.   condenser microphone.(99.00-1400.00)

    4.  couple pairs of headphones (19.99-129.99)

    Now with what i have listed i can make instrumentals, record vocals, edit and mix them all down to rendered tracks, with a good sounding quality.

    Something to keep in mind is that without good monitors it will be hard to get the instrumental levels where you want them, at least with me It is a very long process, because i have no means of good playback,  I have to put it on a cd then put it in a sterio in a car or in another room to hear it, then write down the mistakes i hear, go fix them and try agian. very long process

    Studio monitors are definantly on the list for the next buy.

    I hope this will help

  2. You shouldn't even consider building a studio in your home if you have to ask those questions because it will be a total and absolute waste of money.  See, there is no such thing as "good quality" and "professional" equipment.  There is stuff that actually works and stuff that is c**p.  

    About 1 in 30 products available is in the stuff that works category with everything else being a total waste of time and money.  Without any experience, how will you know?  Are you gonna trust some magazine ad or salesperson?  Gonna trust these forums?  The previous guy said to get a Behringer Mixer!  If I bought one of those and tried to use it I would be laughed out of town.  Might as well burn your money.

    The only way to do this is to spend some time in several real facilities.  Use their equipment, microphones and software and get a feel for what works and what doesn't.  Study their room designs, equipment layout and work flow too.

    A simple home setup will easily run you about $20,000.  That said, how many wrong choices do you want to make?  That budget can easily double if you make any errors.

    you can get more info at (when you are ready to make purchases)

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