
I want to Paint My Room Dark Royal Blue.?

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Okay, So right now my room is a Baby Blue. and i have a border in the middle of my wall and that is white and intended to stay white... I Painted below the border a dark royal Blue... and i have really high ceilings and my Ceiling will remain white as well... Im just afraid if i paint the whole wall Dark Blue and leave the border and ceiling white.. my room will be too dark, and im scared i will regret it.... I need some opinions Please....




  1. I painted a room a deep red and I love it! Everyone said it was going to be too dark, but a lot of people have said afterwards how cool it looks. and you know what? It's only paint. Worse case, you paint over it. It's not like you're knocking a wall down or something.

  2. Do it! It will look great - Dark blue is very elegant.

    The 3 biggest areas of a room are ceilings, walls and floor. If you paint your walls a strong colour, the key to making sure the room isn't too dark is to ensure the other two thirds are light.

    You should also use mirrors, either wall mirrors or mirrored furniture to reflect light from natural and man-made sources.

    Leading me to my last point - make sure your lighting in the room is effective! Your main sources of light come from windows, then overhead lighting, followed by freestanding and table lamps. Make sure any area you work in, such as desks, are well lit.

  3. i painted my room a bold blue when I was a teen & it looked terrific. It turned out so good, in fact, that my mom kept it that color even after I left for college. Go for it! If you hate it you can always repaint it.

  4. It might look a little to dark but the white ceiling and border would break it up, i think it would look nice and if you have alot of natural light coming into the room it wouldnt be too dark, just paint a little bit on the wall and leave it there for a few days, then you can see how it will look at all times of the day.

  5. you know what , I saw a high ceiling room with just the cieling painted dark blue and it looked really cool. I would try  jsut the cieling and the border that would rock!

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