
I want to abort my baby soon what you say?

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i want to abort my baby

because i m confused i need only my husband and my baby not any body else because some body s*x with me without my permition what to do i m 10 weeks.




  1. maybe you should talk to your hubby and to a doctor ASAP!

    sounds like you were raped...and in that case its 110% up to you  I don't think any woman should have to go threw that let alone have a child.

    Just make a doctors appt and contact the police!

    If you are just saying you were raped so you can have an abortion please rethink all of this!

  2. Go to planned parenthood. Then I would suggest you head immediately to a school to get an education...I could barely understand you.

  3. oh my God how it happens any way

    don't abort it its a God gift accept it if you not God never bless you and may God never give you baby so your the mother now you have to care a lot of your self and your baby don't take stress and be happy with your baby and husband its your big mistake if you abort of luck.

  4. Do what you heart feels, what ever make you happy, putting others before your feelings is not whats up. nobody can judge you only he and he "God" know were you coming from and your situation.

  5. I'm pro-life, but if you were raped and you really don't want a baby, then just have it and give it up for adoption. don't just kill it...

  6. Someone had s*x with you without your permission??

    um, yeah I can believe that with a name like "Lusty J"

    give me a F*&king break.

  7. You need your husband and your baby? You already have a baby?

    6 days ago, in another question, you said you were trying to conceive. That would lead one to believe that you do not have any children thus far. Also, your last question spoke nothing of rape.

    Next time you want people to take your questions seriously, do not ask conflicting ones with a name such as "Lusty".

  8. well if you are going to do it you better quit waisting time and hurry up and do it already. youve had almost 10 weeks to make a decision. its not up to anyone else.... its up to you.

  9. Iam pro choice all the way, you need to do what you think is right for you. God bless

  10. what r u talking about?  You were raped?

  11. Well if it was without your permission the first thing that you should have gotten done was a police report. I hope you did, then tell your hubbie and maybe work something out as far a keeping or adopting baby

  12. So if your husband becomes inconvenient to you, will you murder him also?  Just curious.

  13. noone on here can decide for you, if you have been raped you need to report it if you havent already. also you are 10 weeks which shows you must have some doubts about abortion otherwise you would have considered it earlier youve had plenty of time to do it and youve left it a bit long. you need to talk to your husband and decide together what you want to do noone else can make this choice for you. and i hope this isnt a joke as other comments have stated because thats sick and wrong.

  14. God doesn't make mistakes..... - The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.

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