
I want to actt?

by  |  earlier

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okay im 15 but i really want to act but i know my mom is NOT going to let me go to LA.i live in NY btw. i guess i can wait until i graduate but yeah idk how to start. tell me what i need to do to start acting and getting auditions =].oh and can you live in ny and still act w/o having to move?




  1. first off, you should learn how to spell your desired career, that would be a great start.

    I'm guessing you're obsessing over one teen actress or another since if you'd actually done any research New York is probably one of the best spots - after California- to get started in acting.

    Do your research first. Success will follow if you take it seriously and you're doing it because you have a passion for it, not for the glamor. Although something tells me you just want to do it for the fame.

  2. You live on f'ing BROADWAY! Go to an audition if you're any good.
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