
I want to add other moderators to my yahoo group. How do I do this? I am a moderator, but not the owner.?

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I want to add other moderators to my yahoo group. How do I do this? I am a moderator, but not the owner.?




  1. if you have the priviledges, you'll see the (edits)

    How do I make someone a moderator of my group?

    From the list on the left, click Members and locate the member on the Members page.

    Click Edit Membership.

    A little way down, click Change to Moderator.

    Click on the Make Moderator button to confirm.

    How do I set moderator privileges?

  2. This is something you should first discuss with the group owner to see if he/she really wants more moderators on the group.  If he/she approves of your idea and if the owner has given you the privilege to make a member a moderator, this is how to promote one of your members to moderator status. Repeat steps for each member:

    1. Sign in to the group. From the list on the left side of page, click Members and locate the member on the Members page.

    2. Click Edit Membership underneath the member's name.

    3. A little ways down, click Change to Moderator.

    4. Click on the Make Moderator button to confirm.

    (If you do not see "Change to Moderator", you have not been assigned that privilege.)

    The moderator you appoint will have basic privileges in the group features you've made available, including Files, Calendar, Polls, Database, and Links. In these areas, the new moderator will be able to add, edit, and delete items, including items submitted by other members.

    You also have the option of assigning them advanced moderator privileges for the Messages, Members, and Settings areas.You should be very cautious about allowing moderators to delete the group.  Many groups have been deleted on purpose by a disgruntled moderator or deleted by mistake.  When a group is deleted, it's gone along with any and all content.

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