
I want to adopt a baby but I dont want to get scammed have any of you adopted before or know somebody who has?

by Guest32852  |  earlier

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If you have adopted or know somebody who has please tell me what agency you went with and if you had problems. I am wanting to find a legit agency to adopt a baby me and my husband got pregnant and 3 1/2 months along found out I had a miscarriage and was devestated along with being rushed to the ER 4 nights in a row for pain and loss of blood. I lost so much I had to sign forms for them to give me blood if it didnt stop but luckily it did but we dont want to go through any of that again so we are turning to adoption I found Angel Adoption Inc. online but im wanting to know if anybody has went through agencys they found online and if they were real and if you had a successful adoption.




  1. my parents adopted my lil bro (who is now 4) im 24 and i helped them with the adoption so I know its expensive we actually went through our local agency and the found an expectant mother who agreed to let them adoped her baby but when you do this you usualy end up having to pay all med expenses and my parents even helped her with rent and things like that when she got further along and didnt work, but you have to be aware that no matter how much money you spend on med bills and how much you give to the bio mom she can always change her mind and you are not entitled to reembursement of any kind so you should be careful of who you choose

  2. Being in the surrogacy world I've also gotten to know several couples who have adopted or are looking to do so and almost every one of them has been scammed at least once. But most of them we'ren't with agencies. I would google your state and adption agencies and get references from them. Make sure they have a good reputation not just some hole in the way place. Make sure they don't want outrageous sums of money up front before they do anything too.

  3. I went through Children's Hope International  Our experience was fantastic!

    I know people who went through Commonwealth, Bethany, Lifeline and some others & they had good experiences, too.

  4. I would contact a local, reputable agency in your area and attend seminars that they may host loaded with information. Adoption isn't just as easy as..."Ok, I'm adopting"...It's a process, and education.

    If you do not have an agency in your area, go on line to Adoptive Families Magazine, they list adoption seminars and events  monthly in various states, you may be able to attend one close to you that way.

    With that said, the agency route is in my opinion, the safest route. They take care of everything for you. The attorneys, the social workers, etc., and guide you through the process. A good agency will have continuing education seminars available to you after your placement as well, and support groups for you and for your child.

    My agency, The Barker Foundation  in the metropolitan DC area is fabulous. We elected to go the domestic route, and after a year and a month were blessed with our little girl. Adoption is an emotional rollercoaster. Be prepared to give up control and muster up every ounce of patience you have in your body. Good Luck to you

  5. every state has a bunch of social service placement homes that have children in need of a loving home.(i was one).

    i would contact the department of social services in your county and request info on adoption training programs,once you and hubby finish your 8 hours of training time you can be placed on the county/state approved waiting list for a new born, or you can start picking you young friend at the foster home day by day.

  6. the best way not to get scammed is to go through an agncey with a long history or through the county/state agency that will help you

    good luck and God bless

  7. i can understand not wanting to go through that sort of pain again because i lost 2 children to miscarriage also but the story doesn't always end up sad....i now have 3 beautiful boys, 2 that i gave birth to.........

    i have adopted but my circumstances were different all i needed was a good adoption attorney. my son came from within my own family.

    also try and search the web for some local people around your area that have adopted and maybe they can help. you also might be able to find women locally that are wanting to give their babies up for adoption and perhaps you could go that route

    best of luck to you and your husband....i hope you find something soon.  ((HUGS))

  8. First of all, please make sure you have healed emotionally from your devastating experience... Adoption is not for the emotionally vulnerable, it is a painstaking and heartbreaking process. But the process, no matter how difficult, is SO worth it to give a little one a new chance at life and you a new chance at a complete family! My husband and I went through a lot of pain, financial devestation, crooked agencies, loss of our first potential adoptee and agony before we FINALLY brought our meant-to-be baby boy home. The process isn't this horrible for everyone (did I mention, no matter what, it is TOTALLY worth it?!), but it is never easy. First you need to decide on a country (or U.S. if that interests you) then join the chat boards for that country. Most agencies need to be accredited to operate overseas. Talk to other adoptive parents, do tons and tons and tons of research to avoid getting scammed, and then take the plunge if you are ready!

    (Go to the Russian Adoption chat board, they recently posted a short list of the 6-7 agencies that are allowed to operate legally in Russia). Lots of luck!

    Lucky Mom (finally!)

  9. go to your state web site and look for adoptin agency through your state they are really the only legit places to do this you can also call your local health dept or social services they can provide you with accurate information

  10. Sorry for your infertility problems.  Before choosing an agency go online and get information sent from many different agencies.  Ask them lots of questions and find out which attorneys they use.  You can always check out those attorneys and see who has been sued or had complaints filed against them.  I had a great experience with our adoption and love the agency, but it is a local agency.  Google the name and see if you get any hits on anyone complaining or praising them online. I liked using a local agency and meeting the lawyer and social workers handling my adoption.  Another thing that may be good is to see an adoption counselor for help choosing an agency and dealing with the past grief and loss issues.  Good luck and there are lots of babies out there that need good homes whether they are from the US or not - you will find the baby that is meant to be yours!

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