
I want to adopt a baby from another country other than the USA? How would I START to do this?

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I want to adopt a baby from another country other than the USA? How would I START to do this?




  1. WAY to much for such an answer place as this.

    First find what nation you are considering.  My wife and I chose China.

    Then you must find an adoption agency that is authorized for that county and ours as well.  YOu must be accepted by them, then you must go through h**l, yes that what I said, h**l with our government and your state government just to prove how you are, what you earn where you live, where you work, you income on and on and on.

    But trust me in the end its all worth it.

    It took three years for us and about $21,000  

  2. Ask Angelina

  3. Your first step is research, research, research.  While you are researching, you may as well start gathering the required documents to even begin the process.  You will need certified copies of birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, (if applicable) and at least three years of tax returns.  It takes awhile to gather these documents, so may as well start now.  

    In addition to the other links, I recommend the book "How to Adopt Internationally".  It is a great step-by-step guide to understanding the process.  

    Best of luck.

  4. Start by looking at this blog -

    It's written by an American adoptee born in Korea.

    Read as much as you can that is written by adoptees - she has many many links all over her blog - open your mind - learn about that - BEFORE you even start the adoption process.

    Oh - and beware - there are many ignorant adoptive parents on this site - who think adoption is ALL 'sunshine and roses' - no matter the situation. ('cuz it's good for them - who cares how their adoptee really feels!)

    But really - adoption should be about finding a loving home for a child that really needs one. Not about finding babies for people who are more interested about their own desires.

    Luckily - there are some really good adoptive parents here also.

    They are the one's with open hearts and open minds - the one's that listen (not always agree) to those that have lived adoption their whole lives - the adoptees.

    They are the one's that will be the best adoptive parents - because they choose to look at the whole picture - not just the little box that they live in.

  5. the first thing would be to contact a local adoption agency. SOME will help with foreign adoptions.

    We used the Children's Home Society of Minnesota in MSP, MN. They were EXTREMELY helpful.

    The only disadvantge was that we had to travel to MN to meet them in a face-to-face, but we could not find a local agency.

  6. Here's a great starting point - this will help you compare different international adoption programs.

    Then navigate to this page to learn more about the process:

    This matrix will help you find the program country that best matches your qualifications and preferences:

  7. I agree with "wish i could"...  (and great links suzy!) but let me add my two cents:

    1. Research ALL the places where you can adopt from then narrow down your search.

    2.  Find an adoption agency who handles that country's adoption processes and contact them for information.  You don't have to select an agency right in your state.... but I did becuase I felt it was easier in case I needed to physically hand them documents, whatever.

    3.  Prepare for a loooong process and a TON of paperwork.  When  you think the paperwork is done, think again.

    4.  You'll need a homestudy done.  Your agency may be able to assist with that and also help you with beginning your dossier.

    Best wishes.

    I adopted from Guatemala 3 years ago and have not regretted a thing!  My process took two years once I signed on with an agency...  if I remember correctly.


    Oh and PS- there are alot of haters on this site.  Don't let them get to you.  Follow your heart.

  8. Read the book "The Complete Guide to Internationl Adoption".  I HIGHLY recommend it. It goes step by step through the whole process of adopting internationally in an easy to read fashion.

    The website goes along with the book and has up to date country charts in it.   Also the website for the adoption agency Wide Horizons for Children has a lot of info on it.

    Be prepared for a long process...with lots of rewards.

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