
I want to adopt a baby when my fiance and I get married.?

by  |  earlier

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We kind of want to just adopt without all the legally trouble of lawyers and things like that. Kind of like Juno. Just have an adoption, n "kick it old school - testament." I have been researching this and find nothing. I know Juno found her in a newspaper, is that just a fictional part of the movie or is that something that people do.

I can have children, I hope. We are not sexually active but would love to give a child a home who otherwise would not have one.

If you have any infromation please let me know.

Thank you!!




  1. why are you not sexually active and getting married? WOW.

    (sorry, are you waiting for marraige or are you planning on never having s*x? is what my mind meant to say)

    but any way, she did have a lawyer if you dont remember.... but you can sign up through planned parenthood, and also through churches that can help you.

    good luck????

  2. Just so you know.  Juno is not real.  It was a made up story written by a person who has nothing to do with adoption and did very little actual research.  Juno is a movie, not real life.

    Seriously, do some research before you adopt.


    In case you were wondering, ET wasn't real either.

  3. Adopting a baby via being "found in a newspaper" and without all of the legal trouble of lawyers is indeed fiction.  That is why you have found nothing.

    The author of the screenplay for Juno is an ex stripper who has never given up a child for adoption nor even given birth.  Doesn't that tell you something about real life not being "kind of like Juno"?

  4. Juno is a MOVIE.  I wouldn't let you adopt a dog if you are that thick.

  5. ~ sigh

    This was the worst movie ever!!!

    How old are you? JUNO was not real life!!!!

    Grapes the concerned grandmother is 110% correct.

  6. Adoption is a legal process, there is no getting around the "lawyers & stuff".  

    Each state has very strict regulations on how adoption proceedings can be handled and how a bio family & adoptive family can find each other and communicate.  If you are truly interested in adoption, you will need to find out what is or is not allowed by the state.  You don't want to find a bio family and then not be allowed to finalize the adoption because you didn't follow the rules.

  7. You both sound like loving people who want to give a child a good home. You just can't do it like in "Juno," though. There are lawyers, papers, and legal stuff you have to do before you can adopt. Congratulations on your marriage and (hopefully) new baby!

  8. Juno is a movie - NOT real life.

    There MUST be lawyers involved.

    There MUST be home studies etc involved - to try to assure that the child is going to a 'good' family.

    There are not that many infants readily available - as what is best for an infant - is to stay with their mother - as long as no abuse is present. (it's best for the child's self identity and self worth)

    There are - though - thousands and thousands of children in foster care that are waiting for a loving home - all ready for adoption.

    Please don't talk of 'saving' a child. An adoptee doesn't need to be grateful for the rest of their lives because you 'saved' them.

    Please do a ton of research before you enter into adoption - it is NOTHING like Juno in real life.

    An adoptee requires special care - and parents that know fully the issues that they may face.

    Here's some adoptee blogs for you to start with -

  9. You want to adopt a baby without all the lawyers and legal stuff?  Am I missing something here?  That's not gonna happen, not in real life.  

    And, to be honest, that's not the worst part of your fantasy.  If you think adoption is just about saving a child from something, then you don't understnad about adoption in the real world.  I don't mean to be unkind, but your question comes across as being very light and casual about adoption, as if it were a "nice thing to do", like donating money to a homeless shelter, you know?  In reality adoption is something that will impact your life FOREVER.  Your life will never be the same.  You will learn things about adoption that you never even dreamed about.  

    My honest advice is for you and your husband to spend lots of time getting to know each other and enjoy each other first.  Then, later on, when you are ready, look at your parenting options.  I fear that you are jumping ahead of things a bit to already be talking about adoption, when you haven't really learned about marriage yet.

    And, by the way, not being sexaually active until you are married is perfectly okay.  It's rare these days, but certainly okay.  Let's just hold off on making decisions about becoming a mother until you have some practice being a wife.

  10. Juno is a stupid movie.

    I don't think anyone here cares about your (lack of) s*x life.

    Adopt a chia pet.

  11. You want to "kick it old school - testament."  Hmmm.  Okaaaaay.

    Anyway, if you really do intend to try to adopt someday, don't you have the best interests of the child in mind?  If so, then you would WANT to do it legally.  

    I would also suggest that you do a lot of reading and studying about all of the various aspects of adoption before you ever consider attempting to do so.

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