
I want to adopt a child from mexico because I cant have children. what is the process like?

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How much would it cost?




  1. Why Mexico?  I'm sure some give up their children, but in general they VALUE family.

    Why not go to foster care, there are thousands waiting?  And should you ever adopt a child, PLEASE don't dump that "I saved you' c**p on them.

  2. Ask the Mexican Embassy for sure.

  3. Look for an agency or attorney who specializes in Mexico. Always check with the BBB first and ask for more families to speak to, not just the ones the agency doles out. I don't know what the adoption cost is in Mexico. Yes, the conditions down there are horrible and very sad. What you want to do is wonderful and don't let these trolls in here mess with your mind. Mexican orphans are just as deserving as any child, no matter where they are from, of a loving home and family. Best wishes.

  4. i dont know about mexico but in honduras its 18,000 but the people where dealing with said only pay a little at a time or you may wait a lot longer then going to have to pay for a child visa and not all children can come to the US they have to be given legally to the country they live in from there parents. it tells you some of the laws for latin countrys...

  5. you have children all around you here, why look elsewhere.

  6. Look here in the US I bet there are some children from mexican parents here that are giving their children up just ask a agency. Alot of countries are changing there adoption laws because you have a lot of US couples wanting there children and the adoption agency are telling the parents lies and taking the children just saw that on TV fox news.

       So I would adopt from over here.

  7. I would look to adoption agencies that specialize in international adoptions.  If they do not specialize in Mexico specifically, they may be able to refer you to someone who can help you.  Another option may be the Mexico link to Y!A (at the bottom of this page).  Perhaps someone there would know of an agency in the US that does adoptions for Mexico.

    You indicated that you wanted to adopt from Mexico because of the child's living conditions there.  I understand.  However, you may want to consider foster care here in the US also.  All children are deserving of family - regardless of what country they live in.  : )

    Good luck to you.

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