
I want to adopt a child.?

by Guest60513  |  earlier

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I am 30 yrs old. I live in TX and am single and want to adopt a child. I have a steady income and have been working fulltime since age 17. I do not have a lot of money, but I believe I have a lot to offer a child. Any suggestions? Do you think I even have a chance? Be honest please. I need direction. Thank you in advance!!




  1. i think its quite low actually.

    cuz u do not have a lot of money and you are single.

    its not that singles cant have children but,

    orphans usually come from broken family and i personally think they would prefer a wholesome family.

    actually the main question is that, are you confident that you are able to raise the child on your own ? have you think of some factors like...

    you are now working, will you have time to take care of the child ?

    will i give up taking care of the child ? ( the child might be very active.)

    am i confident that i am able to get my child out of his/her own mindset that now i am the parent of this child ?

    i hope you think abt it as raising a child also consist of alot of responsibility. God bless you. :]

  2. I don't think that's a good idea

  3. Your chances are good, but here is what I think you need to know.

    There are lots of kids in the foster care system who need homes. Many of these kids have problems due to abuse and neglect, but these are the kids that really need homes. This kind of adoption is very low cost. However this is a long wait for a newborn or young child, so adopting an older child or sibling group is easier.

    Private adoption is quite expensive. You don't have to have a lot of money to qualify, but you have to pay for the adoption, and the costs are $10,000-$20,000. For domestic adoption the birthmom chooses the parent, and some will prefer a single woman. It might take longer to match than for a couple, but you never know. For international adoption only a few countries let singles adopt, and again the cost it high.

  4. Go for it! Contact your local agency, and you'll find out how easy it is. They don't even break out the white gloves anymore.. (they -do- make sure you aren't part of a suicide cult or have 20 dead cats in your freezer)..

       As a prospective parent of a possible non-infant, you are as valuable as gold, and DHS will tell you so as well.

       Make the call, and good luck on your upcoming family!!

  5. Contact your local agency....CPS should have the number for you to call.  Most of the programs are free because they are looking for homes so bad so you go through the process and usually within a year you have a child in your home.  Foster to adopt is a wonderful program because you get to foster children most likely to go up for adoption and then if they do go up for adoption you get to decide if you want to adopt them first before they are actually placed on the list.

  6. If you adopt through foster care, you would have no problems. I say, call your local office and speak with a case worker. Today is the last day of my classes to become a foster parent and there are about 4 single people in my class that are either planning on adopting or fostering children.

  7. I made the same decision as you 8 years ago. I have a wonderful 13 year old daughter who came into my life at the age of 5. She has brought a new dimension to my life, and we have made so many friends that I would never have met if she hadn't come to our family. Admittedly there are times when it can be stressful, but that can happen in any family. Good luck and I hope you succeed!

  8. If you can give whats best to the child, i say go for it.

    If you cant give the best to child.

    We dont need another American Mom

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