
I want to adopt a dog BUT am killed by the cuteness of cats. Can any cat lovers justify the cuteness for me??

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I want to adopt a dog BUT am killed by the cuteness of cats. Can any cat lovers justify the cuteness for me??




  1. I have both cats and dogs, and I can tell you that cats are just easier.  They are very independent animals, and they will give you love, but sometimes they will just spend time by themselves or playing with each other.  Dogs need attention alot of the time.  They want you to play with them, or to sit with you all the time.  

    When we would go on trips, we would make sure they had plenty of food, water, and two clean litter boxes and go.  They did great while we were gone, but now that we have the dogs, they will have to be put in a kennel if we have to go on a trip.  

    Cats need things to climb on and toys to play with but can play independently or with another cat.  Dogs on the other hand have to be walked and played with on a daily basis, or you will most certainly have behavior issues.  I can tell the difference between Bandit when he is getting his daily walks and Bandit when he isn't due to schedules and unforseen events.  

    I love my dogs with all my heart, but cats are the easier animal to have as a pet.

  2. Cats give you unconditional love. They cuddle you when you're sleeping, and are super soft! They also use a litter box - So you don't have to give them walks all the time, and you don't get woken up in the middle of the night!

    They are also quieter. And if you don't want to hold them, they usually don't care and walk off. :D

  3. Get the best of both worlds! Adopt a cat that has a dog-like personailty, such as a Peterbald or a Savannah.

  4. I think kittens are cute, but they loose some of it when they grow up. Think about what you are adopting it for. If you need protection, maybe a dog would be better. If you want companionship, go with the dog. If you want something low maintenance, get the cat. Dogs have owners, cats have staff.

  5. Why do you want to adopt a dog?  Keep in mind that cats have a streak of in dependency (although I heard ragdoll cats are really loving).  Also, pretty much 99.9% of all cats won't let you walk it on a leash.  You may want a toy dog or a large dog with soft fluffy fur.  Cats are more than just the cuteness.  Just don't want you to be disappointed once you get the feline.

  6. cats, make you want their love and arn't right bothered when you get home, all thjey care about is there food, and after geting fed up of being stroked go away

    where as dogs come bounding up to you on a rainy day, if you feeling down they make you feel better, warm you up when the boiler isn;t working, they fall asleep on your lap, they are mega cute!

    So i thimk you have to judge it like this, do walk alot? do lots of out side activities? If soo you can take your dog with you, but it is unfair you don't walk alot just to take your dog round the block x*x

  7. Why not adopt a kitty and a puppy, that way you will get what you want, and you will be saving 2 lives instead of 1?

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