
I want to adopt an child.?

by Guest33309  |  earlier

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I'm planning on adopting a child. I'm only 15. Yes i'm still in school. Me and my boyfriend been going out since March 23, 2004. Me and him want to spend the rest of our lives together. We have had safe s*x a couple of times and me and him are strong. No one can break us. And instead of becoming pregnant, I want to adopt a child of our own! Is it possible? Is it a big job? With my $$$ in my bank account that my parents saved up, I can just buy anything for my adopted child.




  1. I'm really sorry but you need to be 18 to be able to adopt. Since you are only 15 you might think you want a kid know but I think you should wait until you and your boyfriend are at least 18-21 yaers old at the youngest , you obviously are a great person for wanting to adopt your heart is in the right place I think you will be great parent someday butknow is not the right time , Please, just because you can't adopt dosen't mean you should get pregnant yet either.I am sorry. I think if you and your boyfriend really are in love you should wait, imagine what it would do to a kid to have parents who are only 15 years older than her. I honestly think you should graduate high school first and possibly college ( if you plan on going to college.)

    Good Luck I believe you and your boyfriend will make great parents someday. I really do.

  2. When your older it will be possible they won't let a 15 year old adopt. You need to finish school, go to college and get a good job to show you can support a child to 18 years old. It's unlikely what ever is in your bank account now will be enough for that.

  3. You need to be at least 18 years old before you can adopt.  It also is a substantial cost to adopt a child - regardless of whether you do it domestically or internationally.  If you want to adopt someday thats wonderful but you should wait until you are married and financially stable.

  4. Is your question genuine?  If yes, then you really need to re-think your life right now.   On one hand you sound like you want to grow up so quickly, but then your last sentence indicates that you are still irresponsible.  Think about becoming an adult before you become responsible for another human life.

  5. i dont think that its allowed to adopt a child, when u are underage. Believe me , its not fun 24/7 to be a mum.

    At firs graduate the schools , go to university.

    If u really want to take care of some child, then babysit in your neighborhood. Practice through that, before u will deal with real action. Then u have time even to change your mind.

    dont do it now.

    And if u want to adopt, then does your guy also wants to do it?

    There are other ways also to show that you are serious with than dating. u dont need to start a family. If u really love each other, u dont need a baby to prove it.

  6. I think you are a bit naive and should wait a couple more years.You should enjoy your youth and the few years you have of being a teenager!!

    No offence gurl,I'm fifteen too.I'm the oldest of five kids and I REALLY know how much work kids are.I also plan on addopting,but not until I can take care of myself FIRST.Of course,I have a job and make money,and I have a Dad that gives me gobs of money every week.But that isn't all you need to take care of a baby.Even mom's that have had several children learn new things every day about how to take care of their children better.

    If you are REALLY wanting to do this,I think you should first:

    Get Married

    Hang out with moms with ALOT of children and ask ALOT of questions

    Make sure your parents are willing to help you out if you ever need them

    Turn 18 (duh,lol)

    and have fun being a kid until then!!

    I mean,you only get to be a kid for a tiny time.And after that you cant ever go back.Adopting is a great idea,I just think you should chill until you're of age. :D

  7. If you are not joking I am sick inside.

  8. So, in addition to having a baby in just a few short weeks (or maybe it is all ready here) you want to adopt a child.  At fifteen.

    Grow up.

  9. your little paragraph above describes how young and naive you are. it takes a long process and alot of devotion, time and money to adopt. worry about friends and school right now. thats what your suppose to do.

  10. Legally, I would venture to guess you must be at least 18 to adopt.

    And that's not even starting to talk about the financial responsibility and the devotion it takes to raise a child. There's a lot more to it than changing diapers and putting them to bed at night.

  11. You're a child yourself.  ENJOY doing all the things you can do as a child....  then later think about raising a child.  Best wishes!  Your heart is in the right place.  :-)

  12. So I see u also want to adopt a chid in addition of having a baby...........pssht......... "safe s*x" yeah  right........I can see your immaturness......d**n girl grow up and im way younger than you too and i understand the conflit better........ Im only13

  13. Are you serious? Taking care of a child is not a game, just reading your question I can see how immature you so obviously are. You can not even use correct grammar, how do you intend to take care of a child? If you were to be come pregnant then that is your child and there for your responsibility. But to take on a child that is not yours when you yourself are still one is not something I nor any adult in there right mind would encourage. And I think that your parents would rather see their hard earned money spent on an education to further your life then to help you to do this. I mean you can not possibly have all the money it takes to take care of a child at 15 I barley do at 23. And soon enough that money will run out and then what would you do? With no education and no way to get one, how could you take care of a baby? Also I am pretty sure that you could not legally adopt at your age. Maybe you should just think about getting through high school and worry about having children when you are older and more mature. At this point you would not only be effecting you but a child that is in need also. Trust me I know the feeling of wanting to be a mother, it runs strong in some of us, but do it when you are ready. And trust me at 15 you are not ready.

  14. In order to adopt, you must be able to provide the child with his basic needs. Please believe me, you can not do that at 15. You do not have the maturity to proceed with adoption right now. And I know you believe you and your boyfriend may have a good relationship now, but people change drastically during their early 20s. Take your time, enjoy life and please learn correct grammar.

  15. I thought even from a young age that I would like to adopt.  I didn't act on that until I was in my thirties.  Adoption is a difficult process.  My best advice is to get an education and don't get in any type of trouble.  Parenting is serious.  It isn't a part time job, it is a full time job requiring lots of energy, patience and dedication.  I know you must be at least 18 to adopt, you must have a steady of income of your own..not just money in the bank, you must have a clean criminal record and you must show some level of maturity.

  16. why don't you finish school, I can see that you need help with English since your grammer is wrong- me and him should be him and I.

  17. your to young they won't let you

    I mean think about it they have a problem when a teen gets pregnant so do you really think they are going to a teen adopt a child. Not real likely

  18. Your mother has failed you.

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