
I want to adopt internationaly when i am older as a single parent is that a good idea?

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from vietnam a girl and boy at least when i am 25




  1. If the chldren are young (1-12) it may not be as simple as young think, because you may need a job, but you may have to spend time with your children, too. Unless you plan to take your child to work, too.

    If your children are older (13+) It would be an okay  Idea, because when you're working, and your child knows how to take care of temselves it would be a good plan!

  2. If you can afford to go for it. It will cost you a lot more than adopting from here in the states. Mt husband's step-brother and his wife adopted from Korea twice and I was told it cost them $30,000 EACH.

  3. It's REALLY expensive to do that so be prepared.  Why go overseas?  There are thousands of kids in the US that would love to have a stable home.  Personally, I don't believe in purposely being a single parent.  Every child deserves a mother and a father and they need each as a role model in the home.  However, I do believe single parent homes are preferable to the unstableness of foster if your heart is set on it, go for it.

  4. Is it all the media attention that celebrities get when they adopt internationally? There seem to be a lot of youngsters here on Y!A talking about how they want to adopt when they grow up, the way we used to talk about wanting to go to college, get married, and have children.

    By the time you are 25, you will be a different person. You will be older and wiser. You might be in the middle of graduate or professional work, with no time for a serious relationship, let alone children. You might have met the man or woman of your dreams. You might already have a child or two of your own. Or, you might realize that you like your life too much to give it up to be a parent.

    Enjoy your youth while you can. Being an adult is a lot of work. Don't plan to take on too much adult responsibility too soon.

  5. We have so very many children here that are in need of a good and loving home.  Why not stay within the US of A?

  6. mongolians are more fun

  7. I don't think that's a good idea.  Thanks for asking though.

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