
I want to adopt my husbands daughter from INDIA?

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I am looking to adopt my husbands daughter from his first marrige she is a 4 year old little girl whos mother recently tryed to kill herself I am looking for any info that can be use full and i am hoping to do the paper work myself with out a attorney and sugestions are welcome




  1. Hey has anyone considered this little girl? What does she want? Have you two went to see her? What Have you gotten down to the problem of what is going on with mom? How did you meet this man and what were the circumstances? Seems to me their is missing information.

    What is your husband saying about all this? IS he content to pay $5000 for his child? He did have a child with this what happened in four years that made this situation so bad for the mom?

  2. And YOU are BUYING a child!

  3. India untill recently did not allow international adoption.  They had a big problem with people stealing babies  and selling them.  The restrictions are still hard.   I would have your husband bring her over and get guardianship from the mother.  Once she is with you need get the mother to give up her rights if not she can live with you with out you adopting

  4. gee, that ought to help her mother get better.

    YES!  she IS selling her child.  and you're comfortable BUYING her?  god, you're worse than i thought!

  5. You should do whatever it takes to free that girl from her Mom. The fact the Mom said you could buy her daughter is a red flag that she dosent want her. You should by alll means adopt her. You should go with what your heart tells you. Good luck.

  6. What does your husband think of all of this?

  7. give her a chance she wanys the little girl to have a good mother

  8. 1.  Taking the child away from her mother is a hurtful, harmful thing to do -- to the child.

    2. It appears that you are not in India where the child & her mother are; therefore you would be taking the child from every familiar person, place, friend, culture, language, etc.  This is a horrible psychological wrench for the child at an age when she cannot understand it or cope with it.

    3.  The mother must willingly relinquish the child before you can file for adoption.

    4.  You cannot do international adoptions without an attorney.  These are long, involved legal proceedings.  And it's very expensive.

    5.  You cannot bring the child to the US (the same is true of most countries) without all legal formalities being observed and documented.  Otherwise you can be charged with kidnapping, smuggling and other crimes and spend a great many years in prison.

    Before you do anything, consider carefully the impacts on the child, and what all is involved to adopt the child.  What is "best for the child" is not an easy answer.

  9. are you doing it just to impress you husband, you are selfish person!!!!!

  10. You want to take a girl away from her depressed,suicidal mama?That sounds like an awful thing to do.

  11. She's lost her husband and now you want her child.   You can't do that without the mother's permission.

    so you want to put the final nail in the coffin for a woman who is obviously distressed.  Nice.

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