
I want to adopt.?

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in the future i know i want to adopt children. unless i have my own child some day i think i'd like to adpot two kids. i think i'd really like to adopt from birth and i was just curious as to how much that would cost. btw i live in canada and in ontario. what would i need to ahve at the time? what will the costs be? thanks =)




  1. The average cost of an adoption in 2007 was between $15,000 and $25,000.

  2. likely higher than today's adoption rates which are between $25,000 and $50,000

  3. i think adopt me.from thirdworld country belong , will help and take care of u and also my future will be bright with out fullbright scholarship i just finish graduation.may be you take it serious or joke. any way thanks

  4. unless i have my own child some day i think i'd like to adpot two kids.

    what you need to have ahead of time:

    * please learn positive adoption talk and language. Your statement above sounds as if adopted children are second choice or less than "real children" to their parents.

    * steady job with enough income to support yourself and the child you plan to adopt. What the fees are vary by whether or not you adopt from foster care, an agency or private.  What the costs are today may change even in 6 months, a year etc.. there is no way to predict what the exact amount will be, but most adoptions range from $15,000 to $40,000 (except foster care which is very different).

  5. This does not really answer your question at all but I thought that I would put my two cents worth in. With so many children in the world that need to have loving parents it seem a shame to price adoption out of the reach of most potential parents. I live in Central America and I have raised seven unwanted children without going through the formality of legal adoption. I´m the only daddy that they ever have had and at this time the oldest is twenty five years old and married with three children of her own and my youngest child is now ten years old. They all have been educated or are currently being so. I am an American citizen and have been living in Central America for many years. I never could have possibly afforded to legally adopt these children even in this location. The thing that matters to me the most is the fact that I´m their only daddy that they ever had and we have lived all these years on love. I´ll pass on the legal status. Good luck in your endeavor and God bless you for thinking of adopting a child.

  6. So, what is it about adoption that appeals to you at this point?  Obviously it's not infertility yet.  So why adoption?  Just curious, because my goal in life right now is to eradicate the adoption fantasies that are thriving in the world today.  That there are babies everywhere just waiting for perfect little families to bring them home and give them perfect little lives.  

    Pardon me, I don't mean to sound unkind. At least not to you.  If you read anger in my words, it is for those who are putting out the propaganda that adoption is just the most wonderful thing in the whole world.  Adoption carries with it many, many issues that must be dealt with approriately if the child is to grow up healthy and happy.  Spend a lot of time reading real stories and books written by real adoptees, real adoptive parents, and real biological parents who lost their children to adoption.  Don't bother reading the pamphlets and the advertisement put out by the agencies.  They only print the part that you want to hear.  

    There goes my sermon again.  Sorry.

  7. The price changes depending on where you adopt from, and will likely change in the future.

    good luck for the future, but id just like to ask anyone.

    do you think its wrong that you have to pay so much money to help somebody?

    $50,000 is a lot, and not many could afford it! - thats why there are so many orphans!?

    Dont you think?

  8. Ask yourself why you want to adopt. There is a misconception that adoption is a 'trendy' thing to do. It is not as easy as some of these 'celebrity adoptions' suggest. If you do decide to adopt, chances are that you will not be able to adopt a baby; and adopting an older child may be the only option that you are offered. Don't go into this without doing a lot of research. In the UK we have a long assessment and approval period. Many people give up when they realise just how much effort is involved.

  9. Well.... that's hard to say.  If by "in the future" you mean 10 years from now, the cost of adoptions could change drastically.  Adoption fees can be incredibly different in all situations.  Adoption fees aren't the only thing to consider either.  If this is something that you are seriously considering within the near future, then you need to contact an adoption agency for the most accurate answers.

    My parents adopted a newborn child for less than $700 in legal fees.  A friend of mine adopted a newborn for over $15,000.  Another woman I knew in church spent over $125,000 because she payed for the birth mothers prenatal care, birth, postnatal care and other expenses as well as the adoption/legal fees.  It REALLY varies.
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