
I want to adopt twins!!!?

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Hi my name is Melanie and I really want to adopt twins. Im 20 years old and love children. I have my own three bedroom three bathroom home. It is paid offed and I have money in the bank incase of any emergencys. I am single and really dont plan to be married. I have a good paying job and a car enough to hold the family. If I had anything sudden I have a really good frind that I have been friends for about fifthteen years that will help me at any time.

Now my question is what are ALL of the requirements to adopt a child. How much does it cost. By my information could I adopt twins. And ALSO do you know of any websites that I could go to so I can see children. Im not looking for them in a specific state because I will fly to where ever they are. So could you please answer all of the questions that you know about.

Thank You,





  1. Twins take a lot of work.  From your post I get the sense that you are not aware of all of the work that caring for children entails, especially 2.

    Why twins?  Are they more fashionable this year?  I do not know a WEB site where one can go shopping for children.

  2. You need to grow up a bit first, and that includes learning a HECK of a lot more about adoption before deciding to do it. For one thing, you don't get to just say, "I want twins" and then have it happen. Very few twins are relinquished for adoption. Is this about providing a child who really NEEDS one with a home, or is this about giving you what YOU want?

    That's what I thought.

  3. First of all you arent old enough to even be considered to adopt. Second, I'm not so sure they'd consider you without a spouse at that age. Third, my sister has twins and it is EXHAUSTING! Anything that you ever imagined that was hard work, multiply it by 100! Throw in peeing with the door open, feeding screaming babies not on the same schedule all night long, reflux, poopy diapers, cleaning bottles, laundry, meals, etc. oh yeah that's right, you want to keep your job and take them to daycare to do all the work. You dont get to pick where and what type of kid you want and it costs THOUSANDS of dollars to adopt.

  4. Sorry, but you sound more like you are 13 - not 20.  I think a couple of puppies or kittens would be a better choice.

  5. You are way to immature. You might be considered in a few years when you grow up .  They would never give twins to a 20 yr old single person.

  6. i think its great you want to help kids out but to be honest i think your age will be a huge factor...i think you are too young and on top of that kid keeps you up all night i cannot imagine twins

  7. it is really nice that you are helping twins get a family but ithink your too young to get a kid. For a start try getting one only becasue you have to see how much you can handle one first before you think about getting another. Don't know the price!

  8. you have to wait another year, every site I've ever been to has the youngest age requirement as 21. good luck

  9. Wow!  20 years old and your home is already paid offed!!!  Get real.  I don't believe a word of your nonsense.  No one would give you a child at your age and level of maturity.  It's a lot harder than you think it is to adopt.  You'd never make it through the process.

  10. I think you should adopt twin pet rocks.

    Why on earth would you want to burden yourself raising other people's children at only 20 years old?

    Surely you don't have a graduate degree at that age do you?

    Surely you haven't traveled the world yet have you?

    Get some hobbies, and if you really want to help kids be a "Big sister" or go volunteer at your local school district.

  11. lol...first, but not real issue you really think a child would get used to a new parent in a week?   This is not a puppy.  Next, this case would be looked at very closely as there is no way a 20 year old could own this house with no mortgage unless his or her parents or someone else or a trust fund, paid it off.  this sounds like a story to me so I won't waste my time answering it.

  12. Adoption is a long process. Mothers and fathers who have been trying for years or who just don't want/can't have kids themselves adopt babies because they have a lot of love and time to give. They aren't choosy about what kids they're getting - they just want to be parents and to give a child a great life and home. I don't think you've thought this through enough. Babies need support and care and an experienced woman. They don't just need a big house, money, and a car. You have a lot more  growing up to do before you try to take on the responsibility of even one child. Would you want to adopt a single child? Just twins? I don't think the twin requirement would go over well with an agency - they would probably think you just wanted to dress them alike or something. Think about this more.

  13. GET A PUPPY! If you can't spell you aren't old enough to have a child! I don't think you sound mature enough yet ....sorry.

  14. I'm guessing that people who take fertility drugs and/or use IVF are not going to give up their children after all that effort and expense.  Which means twins that are put up for adoption are 'spontaneous twins'.  There are only 1 in 90 pregnancies that result in spontaneous twinning.

    Couple that with the rarity of available children, your youth and marital status, and this fantasy coming true is highly unlikely.  

    I had twins, and now that they're older, it is wonderful.  But the reality is more time-consuming and exhausting than I can possibly express here.  And until you've lived it--you really can't imagine.

    A lot of potential adoptive 'parents' have issues that cannot be filled by children--yours or otherwise.  I certainly don't believe that everyone has to get married, but I'm worried about your saying that you'll probably not marry.  Is there something to that?  

    No offense, but your writing style and grammar indicate that you have not gone to college.  Maybe, since you seem to have free time and monetary resources, you should look into earning a degree.

    Working with children in some capacity might also be good for you.  What about Big Brothers/Big Sisters?

    You need to mature much more before you have any children biological or adopted.

    Good Luck.

  15. Wow, a whole week, eh?

  16. I think you should contact your local chapter of Catholic Social Services I was adopted through them and they are great

  17. Because of your youth, I do not believe you are a candidate for adoption.  Sorry.

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