
I want to annoy my neighbors in return?

by  |  earlier

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Dogs aren't allowed in our complex and they're hiding one, it poops all over the asphalt and they don't clean it up. I hate that, I was thinking of secretly buying a dog whistle so he'd bark and annoy them all day--

what do you think? will this affect the dogs health and well being, i don't want to hurt him in any way, just my neighbors.




  1. take the dog p**p they don't  clean up and put it on their doorstep .  

  2. That's funny! Do it!!

  3. Lol. That would be hilarious. You should do it. You're pretty nice compared to me. I'd like feed the dog a poisoned hot dog or something.

  4. We have had that prob, too. Pick up their poo and place at their door in a bag. I was thinking if that wouldn't work to maybe call non emergency line and report the dog as being a nuisance (disturbing the peace, barking). Call the humane society and say they are neglecting the dog, 'cause they are!

  5. Revenge is never a right motive or solution. The right thing to do is to confront them about the situation. If you don't have the courage to do that then the next best thing to do is to report it to whom ever makes the rules in your complex. If there are rules, there must be someone to enforce them. Hope things work out for you. :)

  6. WHy don't you report it to the head of your neighborhood/complex?  They can have the dog removed.  There is no need to hurt anyone!  There is a difference between sabotage and doing what is right.

  7. Put a flaming bag of the dogs p**p on there front door.

  8. god i hate my next do neighbours so much.

    well just do it who cares it will really P!SS them of.

    or get their windows smashed!

  9. hehe that sounds good, but keep in mind that the barking will annoy you too

  10. yeah it will hurt the dogs ears and make him cry :'[

  11. i think its a great idea. and i don't see how it will effect the dog

  12. ask the managment of the complex to give attention to the issue, that is, if you are right that keeping a dog in the apartment is not allowed by the rules.  You should play by the rules even if your neighbor doesn't play by the rules.  Tell the manager to take a dog whistle and blow it as he walks by the apartment and if you are right about the dog barking, he/she will hear the barking.

  13. First, give them a warning. You can either write them a note or explain to them that you'd really appreciate it if they picked up after their dog. Tell them that since there are no dogs allowed and they are sneaking one in, they need to be responsible and at least pick up after their dog. Tell them that if they continue to not pick up after the dog, you will notify someone about the problem, which will most likely result in them losing the dog. If the only thing you don't like about the dog is that they don't pick up after it, but they eventually do pick up after it, problem solved. However, if there are other things that annoy you about the dog, talk to the person who is in charge of the complex. Obviously, the no dog rule is there for a reason, and you've payed good money to live where you live. It's not fair that you should be surrounded by dog poo, especially since dogs are not allowed.  

  14. No, the whistle wouldn't affect the dog in any harmful way.  If I were you though, I'd probably scoop up some of that p**p and put it in a bag right on their door handle with a friendly little note saying something like "Please pick up after your dog or I'll be forced to report this to the complex manager". Good luck! :)

  15. put the poo in a bag at thier door with a note

    im not sure how a dog whistle would effect the dog over time it may hurt his ears.

    i love the responses that say light it on fire ...classic...only problem if u r in an apartment its not really a good idea if u have balconies u can toss it up on to thier balcony maybe again i dont reccomend the fire thing though ...what if they arent home and the whole place burns down including your stuff and said dog...not cool.

    or toss handfuls of birdseed everyday on to thier balcony ...think about it...bird droppings all over thier stuff. hahahahaha

    you can also annoy them in other ways such as taking up playing the drums, or cook something  nasty like cabbage and stink up the whole palce. Open all your windows and your door so it goes out of your place, or maybe smear the poo on their door. Wear gloves of course.

    i see u r going for the dog whistle what if the dogs barking causes them to take the dog to a shelter and he ends up put to sleep? I thought u didnt want to hurt the dog in any way. Its not his fault his owners are a**holes.

    sorry your landlord is mates with the dog owners you can try the note with the poo and hope for the best i guess...maybe theyll figure it out.

    OR if you pick up the poo send them a bill. Dog fecal removal fee $5.00 per "load" hahahahaha

    good luck

  16. Why are you being so vindictive?  If there is a problem deal with it directly.  If dogs aren't allowed in the complex, report it to the management company.  Yes, the dog whistle will hurt the dog (and you indirectly.......................).

  17. That is a good idea with the dog whistle. But I have a better idea:

    Gather up some of the p**p in a brown paper bag, put it on their doorstep, light it on fire, ring the doorbell and run! (Make sure they are home first, please)

    If the guy actually steps in it, that would be classic!

  18. your idea isnt good , as isnt theirs , why dont try to enforce the rule some how

  19. ask them nicely to clean up the p**p coz u heard people saying that if they didnt they would report them .

    be the good neighbor ( or so they think)

  20. do not annoy your neighbors in return for them not picking up their own dogs poo.  Instead, be a part of the solution. get a plastic bag and pick up the poo yourself.  Problem solved.  Making people mad will not help you.  Do a favor for people. May be they are not home a lot if they have a family member in the hospital or something is happening inside the home.   Be a friend, not a foe.  

    Do not hurt the dog or your neighbors. Like is attrated to like. If you try to hurt othes, others will try to hurt you.  Make your life happy and you will get happiness.  Think and feel good.  

  21. why don't you secretly report them to the landlord?

  22. grow up!

  23. If you use the whistle correctly, the dog should be fine. But it could hurt their ears if you use the wrong kind.

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