
I want to apologize for my comments about the late Tony Snow?

by  |  earlier

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I recently re-read my answer to a question about the late Tony Snow, and I realized that it was pretty mean-spirited. I had not intended it in that way, and I am embarrassed by the answer.

Although the statements I made in the answer were accurate, that was not the appropriate time or place in which to make those points.

If Keith Olberman counted Tony as a friend, and a good man, I can't in good conscience do any less.

Sorry to anyone who was offended.;_ylt=Aq26EkKwhuRYyCQw1mf3HFkjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080712043059AA8h8gX




  1. whatever

  2. Wow, I read your answer to the previous question and this follow-up question.  I am truly impressed with your knowledge and beautiful apology.  Thanks for making my YA time worthwhile.

  3. Ok. Just remember the ancient tradition to never speak ill of the dead.

  4. You're obviously seeking even more attention.  Thanks for the 2 points.

  5. thats great that u can admit that!!!! really... good job. admirable

  6. ok.  who is that?

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