
I want to apply for scholarships at university but i haven't done any charity work?

by  |  earlier

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and i can't think of anything to write under community involvement or leadership?

what should i write? if i just write 'i haven't done any' I'm not gonna get anywhere. is there anything i can use as an excuse? or should i just not bother applying?




  1. Do you go to church?  You can mention religious orgs here or youth orgs.  Were you involved in Scouts or 4-H?  Theatre groups?  Don't give up!  APPLY!  and good luck!

  2. Well, you can leave it blank, or perhaps draft a paragraph that you were involved in academic pursuits and didn't have time to volunteer.  Or maybe you were working to provide financial support for yourself/family?  While lack of communtiy leadership information may count against your application, there may be other information in your application that makes you a good candidate, and it is still worth applying - the only thing that will guarantee that you don't get the scholarship is if you don't apply for it.

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