
I want to ask something about americans

by Guest60569  |  earlier

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what do they do all the time (what they eat every-time they do every-time weather they diet a day please tell in brief )




  1. yea, but there's more obese people in america than europe.

    anyways, i usually eat cereal or eggs sometimes pancakes for breakfast. i usually dont eat lunch but when i and most people do they have a sandwhich of some kind. and for dinner i eat later because my dad doesnt get off work until around 7 but we usually eat a type of meat then have a vegetable and a starch. we dont have desert every night but i know of a lot of people that do.

    for snacks in between all of that it varies from ice cream, granola bars, cookies, crackers, gum .. stuff like that.

  2. Every American is different. Sometimes, depending on where they live, Americans daily activities can be similar.

  3. It is a myth that Americans are fatter or any less healthy than Europeans or anybody else.

    Like anyplace else, there are people who watch their health and exercise and people who dont.

  4. I eat three meals a day

    8:30am, 1pm and 6:30pm

    I eat healthy, natural foods.

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