
I want to ask to shave my legs any suggestions?

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Ok, I'm 13 and my mom shouldn't have a problem with me shaving my legs. The only thing is I am absolutly terrified of asking her and I don't have a clue why. Anyways, I'm 13 and haven't met a girl at my school that doesn't shave her legs but I want to so bad. I have wanted to ask for over a year. Help!!!!!! Thanks SOOOO much




  1. be like can i shave my legs. she probably will say yes.

    shes your mom you shouldnt be shy. or whatever.

  2. just casually toss a razor into the shopping cart thts what i did  

  3. woah this isn't a biggy

    just say it to her and if shes like wth then just say like

    err everyone else does its disgusting having hairy legs

    there you have it

  4. While you are in a store that has razors, ask her if you can get some razors and stuff to shave.

  5. just go ahead and ask her dont hesitate about i dont think she will mind

  6. I was afraid to tell my mother too, so I did it and then I told her.  I cut myself all up and she said that she would have helped me if I had asked.  My advise to you:  Put on a swim suit and ask your mother to help you (just show you how one time).  Or you could go to a friend's house for help.  Then you will be able to show off your smooth legs instead of a bunch of bloody cuts.  You will be getting your period soon if you haven't yet, it's time to start shaving and your mother knows that.

  7. just go for it and ask her! just say every girl at my school shaves their legs and i want to start shaving my legs. just do it... you won't regret it. she probly will just say ok, and you'll feel so stupid that you have waited a year just to ask that! good luck!

  8. This may sound like a silly question but are you a girl?  If you are a boy, boys don't shave their legs.  If you are a girl you are growing up and maintaining your body is part of what you learn to do.  Do you use deodorant?  Did she give you permission to?  It's not supposed to be a big deal.  Probably the big deal is how you approach the subject more than the subject.  Attitude is everything so try to find the right one and shave your legs if they need it.

  9. Just tell your mom the TRUTH!!!!! that you don't like the hair on your legs!! i kno it might seem akward but it will be well worth it when you do shave you wont be prickly and you'll feel better.

  10. okay..first think of it like this-Your Mom had to do the same thing when she was you age..maybe write her a letter saying it and leave it on the table that way she can find it..don't be embarrassed or scared to tell her..She knows how it feels and when you do tell her she will say thanks for telling me and she will get you what you need!  Try making a convo with your friends about shaving and talk louder where your Mom can here and then after they leave she will say I heard you talking about wanting to shave your legs today..and then she will understand why u wanted to tell them first and why you would be embarrassed to tell her because truthfully she has probably been waiting for you to ask her! So I hope this helps!

  11. I was exactly the same way when I was 12 and wanted to shave my legs and i was nervous about asking.  but just understand that your mom probably expects you to ask any day now.  So what i did was just go for it.  I just walked up to her and said "Mom. would it be cool if i shaved my legs?" and she was like "Sure, we'll pick up some razors next time i go shopping."

    It's totally simple!  Your mom isn't gonna be like "WHAT??  Why would you shave your legs?!?!  What a stupid question to ask!!!"  She will totally understand.

  12. Just ask her I'm sure that she shaves hers. Don't be scared. It's something that women are supposed to do. Even if you do w/o asking how will she know....

  13. oo thats really tuff! I know how you feel it was hard to ask my mom too! Well why don't you just ask her i guess? I mean if she realizes that you really need to cause your getting older im sure she will understand. Just sit down with her and ask her!!!!

  14. I was the same way...But i just went about it casually

    I was just like "ugh my legs are so hairy!" then my mom said i could shave my legs so i didnt even have to ask good luck

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