
I want to ask you about Uruguayian Folklore?

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Tell me about it plz... and I noticed some resemblance to another folklore.. but I'm not sure... anyone can confirm this?!




  1. hahahahah Shanti...dabke !!!!!!

    Latelly Uruguay is being invaded by foreigners that came by dozens. from Anguilla, Bern,and also L, in spite of it is winter (or almost) here.

    Anyways.....kmatty said it well...We, uruguayan pple have also a dance with remembrance with that folklore that Pizza said. Is danced only by men, and is called MALAMBO.

    We share that with Argentina too.

  2. I'm sure that Uruguay's folklore resembles that of Argentina.  They both share the history and tales of the gaucho (cowboy, usually a mestizo) culture as well as the rich history of the Tango.  Both countries are strongly European (notably Spanish and Italian) in their orientation, and, unlike many Latin American countries, Uruguay is minimally influenced by indigenous culture.

  3. Dabke

  4. haha well thru the Q&A in this category during the last week i feel that people in uruguay eat fatoush w tabouli w mana2eesh,their flag is whtie,green and red and the traditional dance includes a lot of jumping and strong steps.

    are we still in uruguay?!

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