
I want to audition for a movie 1O years old...?

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I really want to audition for a movie or tv show, preferably a known one that's safe like disney channe; or nickelodeon, by disney audition websites are no good and the yahoo answers dont really help. I am from portland oregon and 10 just about a week from my birthday and need a female role. I am experienced in complicated dancing and dont know anything about agents but I am getting a resume.

Any information about this? Huh? I really need the help because no one else has really been helping really. Help. Any movie is fine as long as it is not a main main role but a small or medium role since I cant really memorize more than 80 pages of work. I need one I can prepare for and less than 200 miles away. Also I need an approriate role thats not very innaproppriate. I seriously need the help and I would appreciate any help.

This is my only dream.

I I have practiced dancing for lots of years and singing ever since I was four. Help! Help!




  1. well just look it up and maby you will find something and make it and be on tv let me know what novie you are in so i can watch it i know you can make it ttyl

  2. wow, you sound experienced. My advise, get an agent, then make a resume. Audition. But you need loads of experience in acting, at least 3 years of acting school, and a Degree in acting or theater. Good Luck!!!


  3. First of all, 10 year olds are not allowed on this forum.  Your parents should be the ones asking about this for you.  Also, just because a show has Nick or Disney stamped on it doesn't mean it's 'safe'.  The content may be family friendly, but thier contracts are notorious for not being young actor friendly and someone inexperienced could end up literally signing away their future earnings if they're not careful.  You really need to watch out.

    The only reason I'm answering this actually is becuase I don't believe you are 10 at all.  I do believe this is a parent or an older person asking.  If this is a child then you absolutely need to pass this along to an adult who can handle this for you because you need to be very careful about putting your information out to strangers.  Also, as a child you cannot do this alone.  

    FYI Dancing and singing are a great skills, but for films they're not the main skill you should be focusing on.  It's acting.  You may at some point be up for a role in which the character would need to sing or dance in which case you have an advantage over some (though many people these days can do all 3)

    You need to build a real resume that includes acting roles.  If you have theatre experience, that would be a great start.  You also need student and indie films roles which would show potential agents that you are castable and can handle those types of roles.  You don't give your state, but try having your parents checking out and  If they have nothing for you, try doing a search for your state name and the word film.  That should bring up your state's film associations.  Search those sites thoroughly for jobs, links, etc.  They sometimes have info on classes and auditions for projects filming locally.

    You cannot generally get an agent with no experience, even at 10.  Another place to try are your local colleges.  If they have a film department then they have film students who need actors.  this can give you valuable experience and film for your reel.  Your parents should never be afraid to ask questions about a project if they're not sure if it's appropriate for you to participate.  They should also be well versed in your state's labor laws as they apply to children in the entertainment business and not be afraid to speak up should a production decide not to adhere to those rules.  They need to be your strongest advocate.

    When the time comes, they also need to read any contracts very carefully and not be afraid to ask for changes.  If it's a bigger deal then you can take that to an agent and see if they'll negotiate your deal seeing as you've already secured the job and you'd be handing them free commission, you may be able to get representation at that point.  

    This is a big commitment and it takes a lot of work from the whole family.  If no one is helping you then you will be out of luck until you are an adult and living on your own.

    good luck to you,


  4. sorry you dont have enough experience for a movie and if you cant memeorize lines you wont be a good actor

    if you really want something get off your butt and get it or because you are young(too young to be on here) get your parents to help you you sound like you have no knoledge in the industry and need years of training first

    good luck!! happy dreaming!!


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