
I want to be, am I Pregnant?

by Guest10722  |  earlier

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My b***s seem larger, but not sore. I feel things in my lower abdomen like pulling or tightness. I am 4 weeks late on my period, but the HPTs say negative.




  1. take another hpt and call ur dr for blood work

  2. contact a doctor & have a blood test or just take a hpt..Good Luck!

  3. it's probably mean you are going to start your period. don't trust the HPTs at all because they are not that good do go to the doctor.

  4. Very possible u are i would c the dr for a blood test much more reliable plus if u r u have 2 see the dr anywat. Also if ur  not taking the pee tet in the mornin it could cause it to show neg. when infact it should show positive. that was my problem anyway also dr's can gnerally feel if u are pregnant 2 preety cool anyways good luck l8rs

  5. are your periods regular-or irregular usually if not go seeka doc

  6. You should see a doctor.  If you aren't pregnant, you should still see why you aren't getting your period, because sometimes it can be a symptom of a disease process.  GOOD LUCK!

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