
I want to be a Astronomer? Which College?

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Ok, I want to become an Astronomer. I'm not the best student, but I work really hard and take hard classes. Some of the math & science courses I'm taking (senior year) are..

Ap Calculus AB

Ap Physics C (its a second year course)

Ap Chemistry 2

Ap Computer Science (its a second year course)

GPA 3.5 (out of 4.0)

Will these be enough? Which college do you recommend that has a good astronomy program( and that it would be in my reach with a gpa of 3.5)?

I plan to get a double major one in engineering (not sure which type yet, suggestions?) and astronomy(or astrophysics). Afterward a phd in astronomy.

I know the demand for astronomers is bad, but how bad is it exactly? Do you think it will improve soon? What is the average income of a astronomer holding a phd?

Any info will be useful,





  1. this is just an advice from me to be able to be better. you can take the course for aeronautics. so you know how to fly shuttles or planes etc. it is a good one for you.=) just like the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

  2. The previous list of colleges is a good one.

    I just wanted to mention that your accomplishments you have mentioned are far above average. You are obviously VERY smart and, therefore, I encourage you to become the best you can be. Never ever give up on yourself.

    The heights by great men reached and kept

    Were not attained by sudden flight

    But they, while their companions slept,

    Were toiling upward in the night!

  3. i would go to uoa in Tucson,they have an advanced astronomy department one of the best in the world,and they have access to some nice telescopes on kitt peak,in addition they have a 72inch telescope.but the decision is yours.

  4. If you want to get a PhD in astronomy, an engineering degree won't do much for you.  What you really need is to major in physics.  Astronomy is good too, but it's not essential for astronomy graduate school - physics is.  

    Astronomers make in the 60k - 120k range with a PhD, and while there aren't a lot of jobs, it's not desperate.  Hopefully a lot of the older professors will be retiring in the next 10 years, and more jobs will open up.  

    Good colleges for astronomy and physics in your range are UCLA, UC Santa Cruz, Ohio State, UMass Amherst, U of Arizona, U of Washington, U of Hawaii, U of Virginia, Clemson U, Purdue, U Chicago, Penn State, and UT Austin.  Spend your summer doing REU (research experience for undergraduates) programs to help your application for grad school.

  5. Many people who study astronomy do not end up doing astronomy.  You are correct that there isn't that much of a demand.  The skills learned from studying astronomy provides lots of opportunities in many things.

    Astronomy schools affiliated with large observatories or space missions might provide you some good opportunities.  Where you do your undergrad is not as important as where you do your graduate work.

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