
I want to be a anthropologist.?

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I am currently in highschool and I want to go into the field of anthropology in the future. What classes do you have to take in the future and what do you have to study? What classes should I take in highschool; i already know i need psychology, but what else?





  1. Unfortunately, in high school anthropology is not taught. You, however, can educate yourself before you graduate.

    Here is a list of books that might help:

  2. This question is better suited to a guidance councelor. The study of anthropology has so many diverse majors... it would really depend on 'where' you want your studies focused on.

    Also, you can visit a local college, and get more information than your guidance counsellor.

    Good luck! I envy you... I wanted to do that, too. Don't forget to wear your gloves! :)

  3. well in high school they dont offer that many choices in the meas of ur major. they offer basic general education classes like math, english, history and science.

    in high school take psychology and biology thats probably the best thing you can do!

    In college or university you can take Anthropology classes and just speak with ur counselor and she/he will tell you exactly what classes you need. so dont wry about it now wait till your in ur last year in high school and are ready to go to a university or college of ur choice. then you can contact the college and see if they have good anthropolgy classes and what other classes you need for that major.

    good luck! hope that helps!

  4. Must go to college. In college you will be assigned a counselor [like high school] who will advise you.

    There are books that will tell you which colleges are best for anthropological studies. [Barron's]

    It would help, with respect. to decide the field of anthropology you wish to pursue: origin of homo sapiens, aechaeology, etc.

  5. It depends on what field of anthropology you want to study.

    Basically, you will need sociology, history, possibly anatomy (if you want archeology or paleo-anthropology) and statistics.

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