
I want to be a baby again?

by  |  earlier

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i am 13




  1. grow up!

  2. Why ?? Are you leaving out an important piece of info? I mom or dad having a new baby that's getting the attention that you where used to. If they are think about it you will be a big sister plus you are etering your teenage years. Have fun keep your parents trust and you'll have it made.

  3. ...what r u talking about? like u wish u had the attention or were treated like a baby? or are you wearing diapers and acting like a nutcase?

  4. lol

  5. No you don't. Babies have no freedom. Yes, they have no responsibility and no cares in the world, but they can't make ANY decisions for themselves. Who would want that?

    And besides, you can't change age, so might as well live in the moment.

  6. Evry 1 does! lol.

  7. it is very normal. You are growing up but it is scary. Becoming older comes with more responsibilities and sometimes it is just easier to stay young. It does get easier I promise.

  8. Everybody wishes they were a kid again at one point in their life. Dont worry you will get over it soon.

  9. I really wanted to say just grow up But nah,  you don't want to do that.  You need to enjoy being 13,  You need to enjoy knowing every year you will be changing into a different human being, just being 13 is a wonderful thing, a little awkward,  but you will be 18 before you know it.  And the real life will kick in then, come back to yahoo and say you want to be a baby again,  but until then just enjoy being a kid.......

    If not, put a pamper on,  drink out of a bottle for a day and see how silly the question really is.....

    Be Happy Be 13


  10. i guess thats so bad then

  11. I know how you feel, just don't feel pressured to grow up so fast. Take it down. Be you, don't be others.

  12. Don't worry about it.  I'm 13 and sometimes when I have to make tough desisions or I have to finish a mountain of homework I wish that I was a baby too LOL!  But do you know how much stress you put on your parents when you were a baby?  You couldn't help them out with anything, all you could do was cry, sleep, eat, and pee on their back lol!  Your parents are probably glad you grew up already:)

  13. welcome to adulthood, It only gets harder.that's the circle of life.

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