
I want to be a commercial pilot for easy jet /Ryan air, what GCSE qualifications will i need?

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I want to be a commercial pilot for easy jet /Ryan air, what GCSE qualifications will i need?




  1. y set your standards low and opt to fly for easyjet and ryanair

  2. Why not phone them and ask them?  I'm sure they'd be happy to advise you.

  3. Don't worry too much at the moment, pick ones that you enjoy. A language, a creative subject, a technology and English, Maths, Science. You will need A or AS level qualifications too. Airlines provide their pilots with training, as long as you can retain information and learn quickly, it doesn't matter what you took for GCSE.

  4. Firstly, get your basic qualifications..., Maths, English, Science &  two desired A levels, preferably Physics & Maths, then you can decide what you want to do, also keep your options open... something else you might like may crop up whilst your studying..

    Also getting a degree will help you lay on something, most airlines would like to employ someone with a degree than without one...its common sense really....

    Training to become a pilot is quite costly & usually tought, so if i was you i would do some good solid research in the aviation industry before choosing your career path.

    Also...Good Luck! :)

  5. The chief requirement for somebody if they wish to fly professionally is determination. If somebody tells me that's what they want to do, I usually say to them: "Forget it. It's too difficult."

    If at that point, they set their jaw, and think to themselves, "I'll do it anyway, regardless of what you say," then that is the attitude they need to get into professional flying.

    However, it will probably be expensive - an airline may provide a type rating to fly particular airliners, but they probably won't fund the expensive business of getting a commercial pilot's licence which costs around £100,000 at the moment. Student loans are small in comparison! Also, whilst the studies aren't technically difficult, you do have to absorb a lot of information in a lot of areas. And you also need to be self-confident and presentable.

    One last thing. If oil prices stay above $120 per barrel for long, it is quite likely that the airline industry will look very different in three years' time than it does now.

  6. Hi there, to be an airline pilot takes alot of preparation before you even consider applying to any airline.

    Firstly get your gsces in maths,science, english and a language.

    Then go to college and get some a levels in physics, maths, english and a language would be preferable.

    Thats really the bare minimum you should have before applying as theres alot of competition.....(people with degrees..etc)

    Something else which would help is if you do your PPL (private pilots licence) costs about £6000.

    If you have that then they can see that you have done about 20 percent of the basic work needed for the training.

    hope this was helpful.

    Good luck..

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