
I want to be a dentist and was wondering how many different people I would have to hire e.g. receptionists

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hygienists, assistants ect. also if you know how much they make yearly and what schooling I need to get in order to become a dentist. Thanks




  1. a lot  

  2. My Dentist office has two hygenists, two dentists,3 office girls, and one office manager.

    Dental hygienists- earned a median annual salary of $64,740 and median hourly wages of $31.12 in May 2007

    dental assistants-Median hourly earnings for  were $13.62 in 2007. Median annual wages were $31,550 (U.S.). a dentist can be an exciting and rewarding career. If you think you might like to become a dentist, the following tips will provide you with information about preparing for an education in dentistry.

    Find out more about dentists by volunteering in a dental office and learn some of the aspects involved in being a dentist as well as different dental procedures performed by a dentist.

    If you are still in high school, math and science are important subjects to focus on. It would also be helpful to enroll in college prep classes. Chemistry, liberal arts, biology and algebra are college prep classes that would be helpful to you.

    In college, you don’t have to major in science, however, you must complete the pre-dental science requirements in the United States. Recommended college courses are biochemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry, physics and general biology.

    In the United States, an undergraduate degree is recommended before dental school. The majority of students in dental school have had 4 years of college.

    Find out about different dental schools and the requirements for admission of each. Most dental schools will offer you valuable information about what you should do to prepare for a career as a dentist.  

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