
I want to be a good power half-back?

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Okay, I'm 14 right now, and by the time I'm 16 I want to start playing on my high school football team. Right now I'm 5'7" 260 lbs. What should I aim for as far as weight goes for a good power back? I know it's not only weight, I also work out. I just started so I can only bench about 70, but I'm a freshman and I'll be in weight training through high school. Thanks for all help.

Also, any tips on some kinds of drills or home workouts I can do to get ready for being a running back?

Again, thanks.




  1. are you fast because being 260 sounds like your fat. no offense. but if you are fat then you should play lineman. and if that position doesn't satisfy you, lol, then you should bulk up and then you would be an excellent middle linebacker.  

  2. LOL

  3. Wow, if you are 260 and can only bench 70 you need some working to do.... I am about 125 and I can bench 100... and if you are that big you should play line

  4. alright so im a freshman at my high school and a starting running back

    i would say that the weight you should go for is 180 - 225 for a power running back at your high school

    for drills do cone drills to increase your agility and quickness, run a lot so that you can build speed you are going to want a 5 5 forty yard sprint or under (mine is 4 9 but i am a lot smaller than you at the moment)

    your doing the right thing by hitting the weights your going to want to do 3 main lifts bench press, squat, and dead lift as well as other smaller ones that your coaches can teach you (you will have a little catching up to do in the weight room cause my bench is 200 but if you work at it you can do it)

    i am 6' and 155 pounds but i also juke as well as just run people over

    so i hope that helps  

  5. As far was weight goes no higher then 200. You gotta start running to build leg strength and speed. You have to work your stomach area so you can be nibble and make cuts. As far as things you can do at home jump ropes or anything that involves jumping (your bed does not count) because that will build speed and give you a good burst. Then you have to get a stronger upper body otherwise people are going to strip the ball from you left and right.  

  6. aim for 225 to 230 and just crunches and push ups to help make sure your weight is more muscle than fat

  7. I'll actually answer your question instead of telling u you're fat and should play line...

    I'm going to assume you'll grow 2 inches in 2 years. At 5'9" you'll want to weigh between 210 - 230. There's a 20lb difference because alot depends on how much muscle you can put on. It's gonna be tough because you want to put on about 10 pounds of muscle, but that means you'll have to lose 40-50 pounds of fat. Not everyone is up to that challenge. You have to change your diet and committ to the weight room.

    It sounds like you're not going to play until you're 16. Thats a big mistake. Play now, even if they put you on the line and you stink. There is no substitute for playing experience.

    My advise is to run all the time. Play basketball, run on the weekends, weight train 3-4 times a week. And join th eteam now.....

    Again, it will be a big mistake to sit 2 years and try to play as a junior.  

  8. everyone else who answered are just jerks. just ignore their answers.

    push ups should help alot with your bench. but thats just until you get a lil stronger (till you bench about 115) i would say buy a bench with a bar and weights for at home.

    your only 14 bro. your bench sux, but you havent even really started to grow up. your hormones will hit a bit harder in a few months and your max will soar. so dont sweat it.

    i am guessing you should be about 5 10 when your 16. so i would suggest your weight to be around 200 even. if you dont want to play lineman have heart and you will be able to play halfback. just dont give up. there was a kid who weight 250 pounds and was the best QB in the state. remember though, weight is okay if it is muscle.

    RUN  RUN RUN! even if at first you can only run a lap. just run every day. do 100m sprints and 40s. also run for endurance. to squats and plyos to build stregth and speed.

    youll do fine remember HAVE HEART!

  9. Bro, don't listen to these people, lol. I played football all through out high school and i was weighing 140 as a freshman benching 115. Then I started on creatine and my bench max went to 230 in 5 months, now I'm a senior benching 325 weighing 204, but I was also training almost everyday. Creatine is a fat burner as well as muscle gainer, basically it turns fat into muscle, if you want to be a power back, aim for fullback. You need to start with creatine in the weight room and run at least 3 times a week, run a mile, and I promise you with your size you will be a dominant player on the feild if you just commit to the training.

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