
I want to be a horse groom when im older does the job include riding any horses?

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I want to be a horse groom when im older does the job include riding any horses?




  1. Usually you start out as just a groom, but as you prove yourself to be responsible and good at handling horses, trainers will often allow you to workout the horses in the mornings.  And that can lead to being a jockey if you're ever interested in riding in races.  It's a matter of working your way up the ladder.

  2. Usually a groom is a groom and they don't get to ride.  It really depends on how much you love horses.  If you would really like to be involved, why don't you eventually go to college to start your own equine business.  There are plenty of good equine schools around.  I myself am an equine student in my 3rd year.

  3. Depends on how much experience you have, and if you are thinking you want to work with race horses or not.  For example if you want to work with expensive race or show horses and have some experience, if you prove yourself (as the person below me said), you may get to ride them.  However, if you are working with horses that are mostly used for pleasure (i.e. Western trail horses, etc.) and have little to some experience they might let you ride them.  It is mostly the expensive warmbloods and show horses that trainers don't like people to ride.  I have my own show horse and even some of my friends aren't allowed to ride him who have been riding for years!  Good luck!

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