
I want to be a housekeeper?

by  |  earlier

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I am about to start a new career and would like to supplement my income by doing some housecleaning in the side. I have extensive experience as a nanny and my duties included housekeeping, laundry, dishes, etc... Do these sound like decent qualifications? Anyone know of a good website where I can find a written agreement for a housekeeper and other resources? Thank you




  1. There are plenty of agencies, or companies.


  2. Get the first job and things will start rolling.

    I would have a magnetic sign made that you can put on your car when you are working. Neighbors will see it and call to see if you can do their house too. ( Just make sure your car is clean and makes a good impression.)

    Work out before hand what you will do for a set fee and what add ons will be. People will try to push you for more ( and not want to pay) Be firm. You are running your own company so you must set your rules.

    Always make them feel like they are getting a lot for their money with great customer service.


    Great Decorating for an awesome home.

  3. It sounds like you have  qualifications, but most people hiring housekeeper will not sign written agreement.  They will hire you, and see how you workout.  I f they like your work they will keep you employed.  

    Good Luck To You

  4. My mother-in-law has her own cleaning business and she really enjoys it. It started as cleaning an office once a week in town. Then she started to clean one old couples house. Then word got out about it and now she's up to doing it full time. She did say that you need to be sure you only clean for people you are sure will pay you. There are no contracts for you to fill out.

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