
I want to be a lawyer, but I'm having my doubts...?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I'd like to keep a long story short. Ever since September, I've wanted to protect people from pain, and help out whoever I could, whenever I could. I wanted to be a cop to help right the injustices in society, but I decided to do it a different way by becoming a lawyer. And not property dispute or anything like that, but a prosecutor, dealing with the abusers, rapists, and murderers to make sure they aren't put back on the streets. But am i really making the right choice with this? I realize I'll have a pretty nice sum on my head for people who know the people I put away, and I don't want my family to be hurt because of my lust for justice...




  1. It is best to choose a career that matches your interests.  Otherwise, even if you are successful, you will not be happy with your work.

    This free site will give you a 30 minute quiz to find out what you are interested in, then it will give you a list of occupations that match your interests.  It also has information on the various occupations, like what training you need, what the job consists of, future demand, etc.

    Click on: Full Flight > Assessment > Interest Profiler

  2. I'd suggest buying a car with above-average power, so you can keep up with the ambulances you'll be chasing.

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