
I want to be a model what do you think?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It depends on your height and measurments, not your face or weight. Don't listen to the people telling you know. You should go for it

  2. Sweetie, you will soon lose that dream. I've wanted to be a number of things before. Don't think "But I want to be one so bad!" You might grow out of it, and there aren't many chances.

  3. No, get a good education.  

  4. Your poses are...interesting. But tbh I wouldn't get your hopes up there are so many girls who want to be models and only the best of the very best make it. It's not all glamour either you're constantly flying to different countries for modelling shoots and hardly get any sleep or social life. There's also a huge pressure to maintain a certain (very thin) body shape and too many become involved in drugs and addictions.

    Basically, enjoy your childhood, get a good education and stop sitting around inside taking photos of yourself - go outside and play or something...

  5. Maybe, if you grow to be 6 feet...

  6. you look like you're 5

  7. you're pretty

    and you look really young

    like 11?

    and if you're going to send in pictures to an agency, don't send the ones of you making those silly faces

    hope this helped

    have a great day

  8. uhh. no.. question.. why do all girls purse their lips when they take a pic of themselves

  9. to tell you the truth i dont think u could be a model. you seem average and like your trying to hard. you look young, so i guess wait a couple more years and then put yourself out there to the industries if you still are interested in being a model.'

    EDIT: to help you out a bit, i used to do modeling for like a year. all industries look for tall and thin. i'm short so i did more print modeling but most agencies dont even look at u unless you are 5'7" or taller. and also dont make those faces, they want au-natural pictures with NO MAKEUP. i repeat NOOO MAKEUP lol they want to see your potential

  10. mmmm........NO ,you look better WITHOUT the glasses.

  11. only if u dont make those faces and weird poses

  12. no

  13. nope sorry im afraid not, plus you look 13  

  14. lol

  15. you are very cute.  Maybe when you're older you could apply for a modelling job and start working on a portfolio!  Just not now, you look young, maybe in a couple of years.

    Love && peace, steph

  16. You are way too young to become a model. Wait till you are older and than ask this question again, with proper measurments in your question (Weight, height etc) and decent full body pictures (A tip: Should you ever go to an agency give them NORMAL pictures! Otherwise you won't even get an apointment)

    With your attitude becoming a model is virtually impossible.

  17. hahahaha

  18. you do look young but it's probley cause you are!! (and if you not I'm sorry) and also you do look a tad short (and again if you are taller than me sorry lol) but tallness is NOT always key. I'm doing modeling and I'm only 5'4 usually they do like girls who are 5'7 and above but since your a kid(and so am I) they really just evaluate you on your shoe size- they say that determines how tall you'll be i don't think s though- and how tall your parents are. Sometimes there is a minimum height they require but it's ok if they don't accept cause your short. lol Also this will also lessen your chance to be on a runway but you can definitely do a lot commercial and print. I do think you should NOT get discourage if someone tells you don't go after your dream or that they don't like cause they'll be someone who wants you to model for you. and i think your pretty you should be really successful especially for things like teen stores and being spokes model. good luck and if you have questions/want more info or  wanna chat you can email at  

    **and to address some of the other comments one makeup makes you look older- my modeling agency puts makeup on 13 year old and they look twenty-  two i have kept up with wanting to be a model for years now and three it's better to start out young- trust me there are tons of young models and this one agency had a 9 year old and she was not tall and but she had a good walk and wanted to be a model**

    and btw srry so long :]

  19. NOOO. your not that pretty and you look like your 5.

    Im just being honest with you.

  20. You need to wait until you're a little older sweetheart. And just for practice, try to keep your facial expressions natural. It is so much prettier.  

  21. You are serious about this right, because by your photos I'd say you're not. They're really stupid, to be honest. The answers no, sorry. Besides, your like 12 - you've got a small amount of time before you have to decide which career path your going to go down.


  22. NOpe give it up!

  23. No. You're not ugly, but not model material.

    There are so many more respectful and skillful careers you can choose over modeling. Most models are spoiled, cocky and unintelligent. Plus their career ends at about 25 anyways, or whenever they lose their looks.

  24. Its great that you want to model.

    But, you look a little young.

    You can do kids modeling maybe?


  25. I've worked in the modelling industry for a little bit until I realized it wasn't for me, but I can still give you a few tips to help you out.

    Those poses that you have adopted are not flattering. A classic pose is the 3/4 turn of the face, or maybe a hand on the hip and legs crossed (even when standing) to make yourself look thinner, taller, and more elegant will work better. Modelling is about looking natural and elegant without trying. You look like you're trying so you have to learn how to pull off natural poses seamlessly. Don't do anything unnatural to your mouth, and your forehead is wrinkled in some of the photos. That is not flattering.

    You may want to invest in a few modelling classes if you're serious. I've done work at Sutherland Models, but look for a respectable agency near to you.

    Modelling may not be for you, but that's ok. You have a lot of time to think about what you want.

  26. lol what? first off, NEVER take pictures with those faces, model agencies are NOT into that. Your better off getting a good education.

  27. ewwww , no way

  28. maybe if you stoped making retarded faces I could tell you.

  29. What's with you pouting. No offense, but I don't think you would become one.

  30. idk

    probably not

    are you tall??????

  31. You can't, your face is not unique enough, you don't have the full lips or the big old cat eyes and no offense but your not pretty enough and also your hair looks damaged, I'm sorry if this sounds mean but the agencies and others can be a lot more harsh, but you needed to know the truth  

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