
I want to be a mom soooo bad!... but i cant?

by  |  earlier

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i want to have a baby so bad but i just cant. my boyfriend and i have been trying for 7 months and its just not working. i want the expirience of being pregnant and having my child and i dont want to adopt. im just looking for comfort.




  1. Just 7 months. that is not a long time. It took 2 yrs for my son and Im trying again and it has been 11 months and I am still not prego. Be patient. I know its hard but really....7 months is not a really long time. Good luck and lot of baby dust to all of us ttc!

  2. 7 months is not along time to try for a baby.Keep trying. Also you can get an ovulation kit that tells you when you should be ovulating after your period according to the days you have your period, such as 28 days in between periods you would ovulate 6-8 days after the day you start. 26 day period time would be differnet and so on. You have to read the paper that comes with the ovulation kit.

  3. Why not get married too??

  4. To say you want the experience of being pregnant is like saying you want the experience of having a wedding and not being concerned about the marriage after the wedding.   That is a lot of responsibility for just the experience of being pregnant and having a child.  I am not trying to bring you down.  I just think you ought to slow down.  If yoiu rush into it you will miss so much.  7 months is not that long.  Me and my wife tried for 2 and a half years.  We even adopted and then conceived at the same time we got our adopted newborn.  2 years later we conceived yet another.  Just live in the moment and if it comes to you you will enjoy it so much.  I know you won't listen to me.  I went through the same feelings with my wife.  After everything we went through we are now divorced and I have the kids.  I could have never seen that coming.  Cherish what you have and never take it for granted....

  5. im sorry  but i forgot what the word is called but you can get surgery

    go to a doctor and tell them " i want to plant his sperm in me" they can do it ....

    and go and get a check up both of you


  7. Maybe theres a reason that your not getting pregnant.  You should have a solid foundation to raise a child.

  8. You hear of so many people that when they stop trying, they get pregnate. Try not to stress, it will happen when it happens.....and remember, it takes the average women 6 months to get pregnate, you are really only a month over that mark!

  9. With most people, it can take longer than that anyway so stop worrying.

  10. Hi ;) I tried for 18 months before it worked, so don't give up just yet on motherhood. Maybe you are just putting too much pressure on yourself!

    It can take some time to work. Even the most fertile couple in the world only has 20% chances per month to get pregnant. There are also little things you can do to help your fertility (like having s*x every other day, which is the best tip I ever had)

    You can also consult a doctor to make sure your ovulations and his sperm count is fine. If it is you most certainly can have children and if it isn't there still are many other solutions you can try before giving up ;) everything is gonna be fine honey and I know what you're going through. Don't worry. Baby dust to you!

  11. im 23 and it took my husband and i 12 months.. its very normal , i started to worry aswel

    try not to stress

    i gave up and stopped stressing and that month.. i got preg

    good luck youl b fine


    on other questions you say your 15, pregnant with twins and having them on monday!

    that is soooooo sad why lie about being pregnant if your not?

  13. It took my husband & myself 5 years after they told us we could not have kids (they were wrong). For some people it just takes time. Relax it will happen just give it time. Good luck ttc!

  14. Total BS.  According to a question you posted about an hour ago, you are experiencing what you think is labor and stated that you are 15.;...

  15. Is it a reason, why you can't have a baby???? have you taken any fertility drugs to help u?? I'm in the same boat, just wanted to say don't give up. Because at times, i want too..

    Take care those twins are coming your way (smile and take care)

  16. Hang in there!!! You are probably sick of people telling you to stop trying then it will happen... I know I got sick of that real quick!!!

    It took us 2.5 years to fall and in the end it happened after we decided to but a house and focus our energy somewhere else.

    I was very over weight while we were trying and all the dr's i went to told me my chances would be higher if I lost weight- so I did --- and it worked!

    Good luck, and will cross my fingers for you!


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