
I want to be a mother?

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I am 17 turning 18 soon, I am 5 weeks away from completing my schooling 100% and im doing extremly well, I have a job, And I have been with my partner for almost two years now, And I have currently had Implanon in my arm for quite a well as I did not want anything disturbing my education, But now that I am pretty much finished,

But now I would really like to have a child, I have made an appointment for next friday to have my Implanon removed, And I was just curious to know whether you's believe I should wait a while, Or whether i should once I feel ready and finished with school?

I am open to all opinions,

Thanks guys




  1. I think that the fact you are asking people's opinion makes you more ready to be a mother than most 18 year olds. No matter when you have a child it isn't going to be perfect, but ultimately it is up to you and your boyfriend. I would just say make sure you and he talk about it and you don't just quit the birth control without him knowing. If you are financially stable and you are happy with your life right now, I would say go for it. A lot of people may think you are too young but ultimately it is up to you and your boyfriend. It really seems like you have thought this out though and you know what you want and you are pretty ready for it. Best of luck. I hope it all turns out good for you and you get a wonderful child at a time that will really be good for you and your boyfriend and you child. =)

  2. What's the rush? Enjoy yourself a few years yet and see how you feel when your about 24 or so. You might thank me for this advise one day!

    Go get some fun first.........x

  3. the point of doing well in school was to get into a decent college.  you should do that and THEN have a baby.

  4. This is something you and your partner must decide. If the both of you feel prepared then do it!  Everyone says wait until your life is perfect (well maybe not put like that but pretty close) Your life will never be exactly perfect. My first child was the biggest supprise of my life. I was no where near ready to have a child, but you know what everything has turned out fine. He's almost 4 and a sister that will be two soon and in a few months i'm having # 3. Couldn't be happier with the way things have turned out.

    I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide. Having a child is great and takes work.  

  5. If you are still living at home then it's not you having a baby.  It's you giving  your parents another child to take care of when I doubt they want one.  Unless you live of on your own and are COMPLETELY financially independent, then it would be irresponsible for you to have a baby.  It's not a toy, it's a person!

  6. No one on here can tell you what is best. Only you can decide! =)

  7. soon to be 18 you have so much ahead of you to do like going to college and partying and having the time of your life without having to worry about taking care of a will lose sleep, go broke, hate making bottles in the middle of the night your set life will never be the same, wait til your done with college and all your partying is out of your system. unless your ready for the morning sickness and swollen feet and the pain of giving birth the hassle of going to doctors appts. and no sleep. I suggest wait unless you feel ready and have money, and a car.

  8. SO SO SO much is going to change for you between now and the next 5-10 years! Your life is going to be unrecognizable, TRUST ME. At this point, I am almost 24, I've been with my fiance for almost 5 years, and I still have LOTS of school and internship c**p I want to get done. I want more than anything to have a baby-I would do it tomorrow if I could!lol I'm not going to say one way its right for everyone, or that there is one right answer, I'm just going to say that I from my experience so far, I'm SO glad that waited up until this point. I feel a lot better about my life, my relationship, and the fact that I got a chance to discover and get to know myself first, instead of rushing it all.  Now, even though there's still lots for me to explore, get done, and all of that, I feel a lot better if it was to happen NOW, than when I was 18 or 19. You won't regret waiting, even if it is just for a few years, but you might regret rushing it. There's no as need to rush something like that, but I know how hard it can be to wait =) Allow yourself to get settled into your new adult life first, ENJOY IT, enjoy your boyfriend, then when you're in a good happy place in your life and relationship you will KNOW the right time for you. I'm glad I waited, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my life now!! And If I wouldn't have waited, I wouldn't have the life I have now. Life is crazy unpredictable, and like I said before, it will be completely unrecognizable in the next 5-10 years believe me.  

  9. I disagree with Sam (aim- sk8rbabi07). The fact that you are asking complete strangers indicates you are NOT ready (not the other way around.) If you were truly ready to have a child, you would realize that is a choice that you and the baby-to-be's father make, not something that you need to do to please others or because it sounds nice. If you need to seek the opinions of complete strangers to validate your choice, you already know you have some doubts (and you’ve probably gotten a harsh response from any family members and friends you asked, which is why you’re asking on Yahoo). You should really listen to those doubts and think it through.

    If you think you are ready, it means being financially independent – get a job, get a place to live that is clean and safe for the baby, finding child care if you are going work (do you know how much this costs today?? We pay $1200 a month for ONE CHILD!), and, this is very important – savings in the bank. Things happen, and you need a safety net. These things need to be done before you get pregnant, otherwise, as others posting here have said, someone else becomes your safety net, presumably your parents or public assistance.

    That's enough to handle, I haven't even discussed being emotionally ready. Are you ready to give up your social life, your freedom, the little things you like to buy for yourself, probably change your career plans, and put someone else first 24/7, 365 days a year? Because when you have a child, it's not about you anymore. Everything is about the child.

    We all have the desire to be mothers – it’s hard wired in us as women. But the responsible thing is to prepare to give your child a financially and emotionally secure future. And it does not sound like you are in the position right now to make that happen.

  10. i really think you should wait a while untill you have stable financial bases to have your child.

    it takes quite a lot of money to raise one, if you want them to have a bright future (think collage)

  11. I think you should wait awhile first. enjoy your life because you're still very young. make sure you think this through properly as you may regret it later in life. Remember that a child is a big responsibility and a lifetime commitment. Good luck.  

  12. i'm 25, married with a 2 year old and 25 weeks pregnant with my second child... a tip from someone with no travelling or social life - have fun, enjoy life, travel, get pissed and go to work the next day, do stupid things, get a rental or a mortgage, make a large purchase on a credit card and then spend the next 3 years paying it off, be so broke you live on 2 min noodles for a week, learn how to pay bills, forget to pay bills and your electricity gets cut off and most of all - enjoy this time in your life. you will never get it back. don't wake up with regret. kids can wait... they are wonderful but you need to experience life before you create one.  

  13. Wait please.  18 is not old enough to know what you want.  High school education is not enough to get a job that will help you raise a child. If your not going to college at least go to vo tech and get some kind of trade or beauty school.  Take it from someone who's husband makes 100k a year and we are struggling ourselves.  Please have a stable income before you do this so us taxpayers don't end up having to pay for your WANTS.  

  14. I'm sure you've already discussed these baby plans with your boyfriend? And if not, lady, that needs to be done right away. Are you wanting a child because you think it'll ripen your relationship with your bf. A baby cannot bring one closer unless it is born out of love. Sometimes you can grow with having a baby, but sometimes it can make you grow apart.

    Have you asked yourself why you feel that you want to have a kid right out of high school. Have you really thought about how much your life changes after having a baby? If you want to go to college and build up a good resume you should wait.

    Really, I'm 19 and I haven't gone to college yet. First off, I'm still torn on how to pay. Second off, I'm torn whether I should go for something music, which I love, or something practical like accounting. It's hard after high school. You don't have mom and dad there to give you shelter and food and gas money. Your after school job at burger king isn't going to pay many bills. Kids grow fast, girl.

    And I'm not trying to lecture you, you're almost 18. I'm not here to do that. I'm here to just throw a few questions out there that you should be thinking of.

    These are the best years of your life. Embrace them. You have to be 100 percent selfless if you are going to have a baby. Once you conceive, once that heartbeat starts after 25 days, once it grow inside of you and you birth a real precious human baby, it's not about YOU, it's all about that newborn.

    So just think about it doll. I was in that "I want a baby" stage as well even just 2 years ago. But the guy I thought was going to be my future husband (hey, I was naive and he was my first boyfriend) turned out not to be my happily ever after. Thank God, really for that.

    I'm done I hope I helped. Sorry I ramble.  

  15. Have you enough money saved to adequately support yourself with all the medical requirements you will need?

    Do you have enough money to support a new baby, they are extremely expensive, do a little research into everything you will need, price it all up and take a good look at your incomigns nad out going at the moment.

    Talk to your partner about this as well.

    Comeplete any life goals you both might have first! Do you and your partner wish to travel anywhere?

    You are only young and theres plently of time for you to have a baby!

    Maybe you are just abit broody perhaps? Spend some time with friends babies possibly?

    But till you have done most of those things, stick to your birthcontrol!

    Wish you the best of luck in your choice though =]

  16. WHY !!!!!!  Why would an 18 year old even think of having a baby?  Is your family life that messed up that you need to start your own now?  What is it.  Something Physiological I guess.

    Your 18 you have your whole life ahead of you.  You did not even say if you had a boyfriend that makes me think you just want to get knocked. 18 and be a teenage single mom. WHY WOULD YOU WANT THAT!!!  Gosh do you have any idea what it takes to be a good mother?  

    Come on you have all of your 20s to go to college and have fun with your friends and then travel.  Once you have done that found a good man and you both are ready to settle down THEN you think about having kids.

    NO you should not have a baby you are too young. Your life is waiting for you.  Once you lived yours then it is time to bring another one into the world.

    All I see is 18 and wanting a baby then I get all worked up. Sorry.

  17. I think wait, you have the rest of your life to have a kid

    you should probab ly talk to your partner and see what he thinks as well.

    also you should do some babysitting, and see weather that puts you off, if not then maybe you are ready

    hope this helps  

  18. Do what you feel is best! Did you plan on going to college? Is your job a career? If not you may want to strive for that before having a baby! If these things don't apply and you've talked to your boyfriend about this, go ahead. If you guys have been together for over 2 years why can't you get married first? That would be great!

  19. I think you need to consider what else you want to do besides school.  If you plan to go to college you should wait.  Maybe you and your boyfriend should wait and plan trips to just go out and do some fun things.  Having a child WILL slow you down.  You will not have any free time for a LONG while.  You had also better be d**n sure he's the one you're keeping. :P

  20. no i don't think you should be trying to get pregnant at 17. i know that you have a boyfriend but sometimes boyfriends come and go. (even tho you may think it's forever at the time) you should maybe think about marriage before you start a family. once you have a child, you don't have any room to be care free and a little selfish. enjoy having no responsibilities for a little while! enjoy spending 1 on 1 time with your boyfriend, because after a baby has arrived it will never be just the 2 of you again.  

  21. Go For It!
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