
I want to be a nurse, but I want to be able to help people in poverty-stricken countries.?

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I'm at my final year of high school, and I want to do my Bachelor of Nursing at university. I'm learning about "Developing Countries" at the moment, and I really want to help places that are in poverty. For example - I want India and China to end child slavery, what I'm trying to say is I want to help end poverty. But I don't know how to achieve this, and I was hoping the answers provided could help me.




  1. Nursing is a great way to help reduce poverty.

    I would suggest completing your nursing degree and perhaps studying some economics (developmental economics and/or health economics) as well.

    You may be able to find work with international organizations or charities working with the poor to improve the health care systems. You might also consider picking up a masters in health care management or economic development and working for the UN or similar to develop more effective systems for delivering health care in the the poorer nations.

    Best of luck, and thanks for caring!

  2. Your motives are noble, though likely to change as you develop your knowledge of nursing. It's not an easy job, nurses are terribly underpaid, over worked and under appreciated in most countries. Add to that the institutional 'snobbery' others in the medical field display towards nurses and its a wonder anyone wants to take on such a demanding career. It takes lots of dedication, years of study and an ability to turn 'off' to the pain, suffering and humiliation of patients to do the job.

    Take a quick search on line and check out listings for Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Applied Nursing, Nursing courses colleges universities. Then talk to the lecturers on campus, they will advise you about possible preparatory study before college/university.

    As for helping to end child slavery, that's a big task, something we should ALL be working towards. However its not just a matter of stopping child labour, that can actually make matters worse for some of the children and their families. Keep in mind that in many countries children are the only source of income for themselves and their siblings or family. Providing an alternative source of income is only one part of the solution.

    Wish you luck.

  3. Honey, you can't end poverty. I wish I could too, but what you can do as a nurse is help alleviate some of  the pain and suffering by being a traveling nurse to these places and help with medical care for those in need. I'm proud that you care about other people. Keep it up.

  4. Join the Peace Corps.

  5. Slavery, who sponsors it? Free Market Purchasers everywhere.

    Do the course at uni

    If you can access the cash, consider a programme for summer periods.  

    Three to five years really is not that much.

    When your 21, you have credentials. Even a third is a credential.

    Remember when your asserted You can dictate the terms, A little accounting and your self made.

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