
I want to be a nurse, but I want to travel

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I was thinking about being a Missionary nurse. But from what Ive read and heard its too Christan for me (no offense to any Christians). I plan to become at least an RN and if I like it a lot I plan to either become a higher nurse or a doctor.

Should I just stay in usa and wait till I'm old, but that seems less exciting if I'm old. Plus I want to go to Germany, England and Ireland A.S.A.P.

Or is there another method that I'm unaware of?




  1. Quick question: Are you still in High School? If you are then i would go on the Wilderness and Traditional Medicine that is offered by Academic Treks in Belize. You need to ba at least 16 though. Also, If I were you, I would be a traveling nurse. Go to places that are in Dire need of medical care(ex: the Tsunami after christmas 2005) or in rural countries. Belize would be a great place! It is a multi biodiverse spot and it is a developing nation. Hope that helps some!

  2. There are lots of ways to be a nurse and travel.  Many countries need nurses, so you could go that route, you could work on a cruise ship, or you could do humanitarian work in third world countries that are not necessarily run by Christian groups.  

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