
I want to be a paranormal team but patients may be suprised at my size (dainty Irish little girl)!?

by  |  earlier

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they prob won't let A person with my size and age ghost hunt




  1. You may have more stamina:  Team may need to stay awake all night waiting for an appearance.  (don't worry about size)

  2. Patients?  I really hope you're not going to claim that you can actually cure people or change their health for the better.  Because if you were planning that, forget it now - just tell them to go to the doctor.

    If that's not what you meant, well, like I said before, you shouldn't be charging people for 'ghost hunting' since there's no evidence of ghosts.  They'll probably think it's cute actually, so go for it.

  3. does it really matter for ghost hunting - I don't think you'll have to kick any ghost ***

  4. I wouldnt have thought your size would be an issue hun.

  5. Don't be discouraged. You could bait the leprechauns and gnomes into the team's vicinity. "Little people" are often associated with paranormal activity.

  6. ...why not? Wasn't aware there was a requirement. I mean...they could make you go into the dark little places others don't wish to crawl into.

  7. Size isn't an issue, at least there's no reason that it should be.You should be at least 18 though. Otherwise theres all kinds of liability issues.

    However, it's clients, not patients. Learn all you can before you join or start a team.

  8. Age and size does not matter. Did you mean to say clients instead of patients?

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