
I want to be a pilot of a heavy aircraft...?

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I want to be a pilot of a heavy aircraft for a cargo company such as fedex or UPS. (A heavy aircraft i.e. 747 or 777) What is the Approxomite anual income for this position? Starting as a First Officer and Working up to a Captain. Also can I train to fly a certain heavy aircraft or do I have to start with like a small regonial aircraft and work my way up? Thanks in advance!




  1. Learn to fly. Fly a lot. You're going to need to work your way up -- virtually all of the people they hire as jet pilots have experience as airline captains before they are hired with them. (at least with fed ex.)

    Their interviewing process, particularly their simulator checkrides are very difficult, and appear to be as much about your attitude toward flying as they are about flying.

  2. See this article;

    Good Luck...

  3. Your first step is getting a private pilot license. After that you'll know what to do.

  4. Yea, you need to work your way up.  None of the pilots at the regional airlines want to work for low pay and fly small airplanes.  It is just something that has to be done to move on.  Unfortunately hiring has slowed and pilots are spending a lot more time at the commuter airlines:(

    For pay check out

  5. The PIC (pilot in command) for heavy turbine cargo aircrafts makes $70,000-$150,000.

    To answer your second question, one has to learn to crawl before he walks. So unless you are a child prodigy like Mozart, you have to start on a Certified Flight Instructor Route. After that you can go for regional flying turboprop. After that you can go for flying the big boys.

    There are always military routes. You can learn to fly in the military. And after you retire you most likely will get a job in an airline as the airlines are always drooling over the military trained pilots!

    Good Luck!!

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