
I want to be a police officer but it bothers me when they dont set a good example.

by  |  earlier

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One day i will be a police officer but it drives me nutz when they do little things wrong for example not stoping at a redlight or not putting on there blinker but they have no problem giving tickets for people breaking them. The biggest one is i'll be driving down the highway and all suden you see a cop casually driving by. Doing about 80 in a 65 which they would get you for. I have respect for them for what they do as i to want to be one but if you want us to obey the laws you need to set the example as you are suppose to live up to the law and follow it. What do you think?




  1. You will find negative examples in all career fields.  

    My advice to you is to follow your dream and be a positive example.

    Good luck.

  2. i couldn"t have said it better myself! if you want respect then earn it!!

  3. About what? Are you just looking for more people to say, "Oh. You're so right. They're bad." You want to be one? Be one. And then set the example.  

  4. 1. Get a job as a police officer and set the examples you think they should.

    2. Once you've been a cop for awhile, you'll realize why they break (petty) traffic laws...If they run a red light, are they going to a call? Even with the emergency lights off, cops will speed, roll stop signs or fail to signal a turn. I've found myself using the radio and computer while driving and thinking about the dispatched information and failing to signal or stop all the way.

    If it's about a lost dog, there's no stress and preoccupation. If it's a drunk husband throwing furniture, there's lots of stress and preoccupation.  

  5. Some of the things you're citing as "bad examples" there are sometimes really good reasons for having. Running a red light or putting lights on just to run through one, speeding (even if it appears casual) etc could mean that they are on their way to a call. Not every call that comes in requires lights and sirens. In some cases, lights and sirens are a bad thing. (A cop announcing he's 3 blocks away from a bank robbery could/would mean the difference between catching a crook and not catching one.)

    And I'd much rather see a cop speed than a regular civilian. Cops are trained to drive in extreme conditions. Not only that, when the weather is bad and everyone decides to stay indoors, the cops are out there driving. When there's snow on the ground and all the schools and businesses are shut down, the cops don't get to stay home? Your average driver doesn't have the training or experience that your average cop has. Not to mention some states don't even require driver's education.

    On top of that, when you do see a cop involved in a traffic accident, more times than not, it's the civilian that caused it. Some people don't seem to realize that those lights and sirens means they should stop and pull over to get out of the way.  

  6. Police Officers are trained and are exempt to somethings "civilians" are not able to get away with. When they do a U-turn or you see them doing 80 in a lower speed limit they might be responding to a call. Remember they are doing a job. Some Police Officers give others a bad name. But if you would like to be a Police Officers set a example.

  7. So you set a good example. There are good and bad cops everywhere. This is not only here in our country but all around the world. It is sad when you can't trust the law to help you but that is the way it is and I see no room for change ever.

  8. Police are about POWER, MONEY, quotas, and business. Not protection. They make money by enforcing laws. Thats why they do everything they can behind the scenes and on camera, and in the streets to increase there ticket quota, and get there arrests that result in incarceration.

  9. you yourself can help change the image,you can be a professional on your own .do not follow other officers that do not care about the job. it is a great of luck in your choice

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