
I want to be a police officer (woman)?

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i want to become a police officer, i have been taking criminal jsutice courses online to get some sort of degree to help me with getting a job after graduation. i was wondering if there is anything else i can do also anyother classes, i am going to go for testing for empa to start next year i am only 20 and the course only takes 6 months full time and so that is what i am going to do. i am also getting books on passing the exams and interviews. i was wondering if you have any advice and if you are a female officer how do you like it. are you able to take maternity leave when you finally want kids. anything that comes to mind would be great! (to do with police work)




  1. Its more simple than you think, then again some aspects of the hiring process are tough. Most departments only require you have a high school diploma or GED. The written test will be a piece of cake for you if you have good writing skills and did good in high school english classes. I'm not an officer, i was an explorer for 6 years and worked with plenty of female officers. When the women officers would get pregnant they would get six months maternity leave with full pay, how great is that. Theres not that much bias going on in police departments anymore, just remember that a criminal will see you no different either so you always have to be at the top of your game. Goodluck

    Break in: your probationary time where you ride with a field training officer

  2. As long a your background is clear you sound like you'll do fine.  Most departments have plans in place for maternity leave, some better than others, so when you start looking at departments keep that in mind.  Talk to other female officers who are working at the department you are interested in.  I am a female officer but dont have any interest in having kids so havent paid any attention to what its like in my department.

    As far as the academy really get your physical way up to par-heck, over par.... females are usually allowed to do their physical tests at "lower levels" then the males.  i made sure when i went to the academy that i was able to do my physical testing at a level with a much younger male age group. (heck, only 4-5 guys could outrun me and I was top 3 for pushups and top overall for situps)(i also did my pushups 1handed)...this really helps you get accepted and respected by the guys.  Take some martial arts training as well so you are comfortable with getting physical.

    relax and have fun.  i bet you'll have no problems

  3. I may not be a female officer but i am a female law enforcement explorer. you don't need to take anymore course than you are  taking. yes can take maternity leave when want to have kids.  its sounds like you have all your base covered. when you take the tests to get in the academy  make sure you study real hard. don't worry about finishing first or last. for the physical make sure you are in good running shape. the more prepared your the better the Chance you have of getting in the academy. after you get in make sure you are squared away on everything. after the academy you will have what we call "break in"  after break in it gets a little easier. hope i help out some good luck.

  4. everything is pretty covered you are a shoe in for the job good luck in your future also is it the american or english police force.

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