
I want to be a posh person? how can i do it?

by  |  earlier

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PS: how cam i make my bro a butler and my sister a maid????

i am not joking i really want to be a posh person (not cheesy posh from spice girls yuck)




  1. Are you asking how to make your siblings become your servants? What's high class, elegant or stylish about that?

  2. You cant your one of the little people, deal with that and move on.

  3. You can only be who you are. Try to be anything else and you become a lesser person, don't you agree?

    I used to be a right scruff. Hung around with bikers and real characters, some of which were quite dangerous. But i just kept on attracting the idiots until one day i'd had enough. So i changed the way i dress completley. Went all 'posh' as you put it. I have a wardrobe bulging with classy clothes and i no longer attract the wrong kind. All my friends are great. Real friends.

    All i can say is not to change yourself unless you feel happy and comfortable being that way and you can still be the person you always was.

  4. u should be proud of what you are. posh people are just arrogant theives who like to watch the poorer lower classes going further down

  5. Ya gotta learn ta talk proper first, like what I does.

  6. Abandon the word posh for a start

  7. It is very simple really.

    Book yourself a voyage to the East on a liner and make sure that you have a cabin on the Port side because the sun would shine into the cabin on the way out.

    Make sure that your cabin is on the Starboard side coming back to catch the sun again. And the booking will read YOUR NAME with P.O.S.H. added.

    It means Port Out - Starboard Home because the sun shines into your cabin on the Port side going, and shines in the Starboard side cabin on the way back.

    Hence: P.O.S.H.  This dates back to the early 1900`s when sea voyages were quite common among the landed gentry; and only the rich people could afford to dictate which cabins they could have, so P.O.S.H. became `posh` to indicate someone who was rich enough and could afford to pay to be different.

    Congratulations! You`ve made it!

    Can I have your signature, please?

  8. Steal................that'll make you posh but deep inside if you're not satisfied or unhappy, just work hard and 'save'. It will really help

    Wish you all the best

  9. You can't change the outside unless you change your inside first. Good manners and caring for others will make you a really "posh" person, no matter what your material assets are.

  10. For starters its I not i....can not cam....Brother not bro.

    You sadly stand no chance....sorry.

  11. Well, you could go to finishing school lol

    save up and they will teach you all the correct ways of acting in general and all sorts. And just speak properly, you know saying the 't's' in words etc I didn't speak very well until I went to private school (I'm not a snob, I am going to another state school to do sixth form!) but I never looked back. If you have manners you do get more respect as you give respect. Enjoy! :-D

  12. put a special collar around there necks.and with your remote control,order them to do anything you like. hahahahaha   really just be yourself.

  13. omg WHAT IS THIS WORLD TURNING INTO!! get a grip on reality!!!!!

  14. Well if you want to be posh. Then you must come from the lowest social scales. There is nothing worst than a social climber, and real posh people can spot them a mile away.

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